Some notes, examples, and solutions to problems I've encountered while learning Go. Some useful snippets were taken out to separate packages and repositories on GitHub. I'll leave most useful links here, so I can easily find them later.
- "Concurrency in Go. Tools and Techniques for Developers" by Katherine Cox-Buday - notes and examples from the book, some concurrency-related examples from Ultimate Go Programming course by Bill Kennedy. Testing patterns, writing tests for concurrent code, and more.
Binary Tree Algorithms for Technical Interviews exploring binary tree algos from the Alvin's workshop (node -> go)
Dynamic Programming - Learn to Solve Algorithmic Problems & Coding Challenges - Node workshop examples written in Go @ YouTube
Graph Algorithms for Technical Interviews original workshop examples rewritten in Go
- 1 Billion Rows Challenge - a solution to the 1 Billion Rows Challenge
- Advent Of Code - solutions to the Advent of Code challenges. Separate repo, but relevant to the journey.
- Build Your Own Redis challenge - a solution to the Build Your Own Redis challenge. Separate repo, but still relevant
- Build Your Own Redis challenge - a solution to the Build Your Own HTTP Server challenge. Separate repo as well
- HackerRank problems - first steps with Go on HackerRank
- Exercism exercises (Medium+) - solutions to the Exercism exercises in Go (Medium and above) Exercism profile
Linked List - linked list implemented with generics
Options - various options patterns in Go
Go By Example - exploring examples from Go By Example
Pipeline - pipeline pattern in Go. Various useful stages implemented with generic types.