Ukaska (eng. Pointer) - is docker image with mongodb, that has builtin backup to Telegram
docker build -t ukaska .
Create bot with help of @BotFather and set it to
export BOT_TOKEN="123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11"
Get channel ID with this instruction
export CHANNEL_ID="-100123456"
Set backup time for jobber (in example below backup set on
daily)❗ Keep in mind, that Jobber has another format, than cron, it starts with seconds
export JOBBER_STRING="0 0 0 * * *"
Set mongodb URL for backup (e.g. for setting specific database)
export DB_URL="mongodb://localhost:27017/db"
Set mongodb collection names (use JSON serialization)
export COLLECTION_NAMES='["HamstersCollection"]'
Run docker container
docker run -dp 27017:27017 --env DB_URL=${DB_URL} \ --env JOBBER_STRING='${JOBBER_STRING}' \ --env CHANNEL_ID=${CHANNEL_ID} \ --env BOT_TOKEN=${BOT_TOKEN} \ --env COLLECTION_NAMES='${COLLECTION_NAMES}' \
or (if you want to disable notifications)
docker run -dp 27017:27017 --env DB_URL=${DB_URL} \ --env JOBBER_STRING='${JOBBER_STRING}' \ --env CHANNEL_ID=${CHANNEL_ID} \ --env BOT_TOKEN=${BOT_TOKEN} \ --env COLLECTION_NAMES='${COLLECTION_NAMES}' \ --env DISABLE_NOTIFICATION='true'