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PDSC file decisions

nthieberger edited this page May 4, 2023 · 11 revisions

Temp document to make decisions on what to do with the existing PDSC files

Nick can you put an X in the signoff column when you are happy with the action.

PDSC File # Files What is it Notes Action NT SignOff
checksum-PDSC_ADMIN.txt 66831 File checksums Deprecated by OCFL Don't migrate X
thumb-PDSC_ADMIN.jpg 114690 Thumbnails Used for quick viewing. @johnf suggests we don't store these in OFCL but instead external to the catalog Not sure how we would do thumbnails which are useful for an overview of images. In fact, we probably need more of them, but, if not stored in the repo, where? X
CAT-PDSC_ADMIN.xml 38303 XML Representation To be replaced by ROCreate Don't migrate X
df-PDSC_ADMIN.pdf 444 Deposit Forms Suggest we add to the deposit workflow, add as items that show up in Nabu to admins and add to OCFL Agree, we need a better process for ingestion, and for having visibility of these files. Currently, they are stored in the first item in a collection, not very useful, and with the risk that a new item could become the first item alphabetically, so we lose track of where the deposit form is
df-PDSC_ADMIN.rtf 2 Desposit Forms They should be PDF Convert to PDF and replace
thumb-PDSC_ADMIN.jpgf.tif 1 extension error CLC is going to be deleted Ignore X
df_revised-PDSC_ADMIN.pdf 1 Revised Deposit Form Access rights were changed Combine PDFs and reupload
SoCog df files 14 Multple Deposit Forms for Large Project Either combine or we come up with a naming scheme to support multiple DFs TBA
OE2-aazRO20141009_03 1 Double dots in extension To be reuploaded


PDSC File # Files What is it Notes Action NT SignOff
spectrum-PDSC_ADMIN.jpg 18223 Audio visualisation Not used, there are better JS base alternatives Delete Now X
spectrum-PDSC_ADMIN.json 18223 Audio visualisation Not used, there are better JS base alternatives Delete Now X
spectrum-PDSC_ADMIN.htm 1 Audio visualisation Not used, there are better JS base alternatives Delete Now X
soundimage-PDSC_ADMIN.jpg 3 ??? ??? Delete? X
preview-PDSC_ADMIN.ogg 1 Assume it was an experiment Delete X
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