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Viber Bot

Latest Version StyleCI


This package can be installed through Composer.

composer require paragraf-lex/viber-bot

In Laravel 5.5 and above the package will autoregister the service provider. In Laravel 5.4 you must install this service provider.

// config/app.php
'providers' => [


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


You need to set in .env and setup webhook.



You can find Viber token on Viber Partners after creating bot on Info tab.


You must run artisan command for webhoook with url parameter

php artisan viber-bot:webhook

Note: It must be full url and must be HTTPS.

Config file

Optionally, you can publish the config file of this package with this command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Paragraf\ViberBot\ViberBotServiceProvider"

The following config file will be published in config/viberbot.php


When the installation is done you have access to Bot and Client class.

Bot class

With bot class you naivgate your ViberBot how to work.

(new Bot($request, new TextMessage()))
  ->on(new MessageEvent($request->timestamp, $request->message_token, 
  new ViberUser($request->sender['id'],$request->sender['name']), $request->message))
  ->replay("Hello World!")

Note: If viber user not set name you will get error.

You can change responding type Message and Event who listen that event.

API Accept Description
on(new MessageEvent(...)) Event object Listen specific Event
hears("Hi!") string, array, regex ViberBot listen key word Hi!, can be array for more words for one event
body($callback) callback ViberBot can do some business logic.
replay("Hello World!") string, array, Model ViberBot respond with Hello World!, can be array or Model
send() --- Send respond to Viber server.

List of Events:

  • ConversationStartedEvent
  • DeliveredEvent
  • FailedEvent
  • MessageEvent
  • SeenEvent
  • SubscribedEvent
  • UnsubscribedEvent

Note: If you don't want to listen all events you can change event_types in config/viberbot.php. If you change you must run again php artisan viber-bot:webhook your-url in oreder to apply changes.

List of Messages:

  • TextMessage
  • BroadcastMessage
  • ContactMessage
  • FileMessage
  • KeyboardMessage
  • LocationMessage
  • PictureMessage
  • StickerMessage
  • URLMessage
  • VideoMessage
  • WelcomeMessage
  • CarouselMessage - ToDo

Client class

Client class, provide to you extra utility.

 (new Client())->broadcast('Hello', User::all(), 'viber_id');
API Description
broadcast($text, $model, $method) Broadcast message to all subscribed user on Viber Chat, 300 users per request.
getUserDetails($user_id) Get details for specific user
getOnlineStatus(array $viberIds) Get online statuses for users, 100 users per request
getAccountInfo() Get account information (Your Public Account)
removeWebhook() Remove WebHook

Note: $method in broadcast() must point to viber_id. Also getOnlineStatus() need viber_ids.

If you want more information about Viber API or how something works check Viber REST API


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.
