Simulates the sequence number reset mechanism in draft-mosko-icnrg-beginendfragment-01
. This mechanism ensures that
both sides of an Ethernet connection start or reset their sequence numbers correctly.
The simulator/
directory is the discrete event simulator. It's a basic hand-crafted message passing discrete event simulator.
Simulation executables:
: Runs 1000 trials with different random number seeds for syncing two fresh
: Runs trials of syncing two nodes, passing data, then rebooting one or more of the nodes.
The state diagram (StateDiagram.pdf) is created using yEd ( and the source file is in diagrams/StateDiagram.graphml.
For use in the RFC draft, we manually translated the states to Graph::Easy ( format and separated some states to make it fit as ASCII art. These are in diagrams/state{123}.eg. The script diagrams/ shows the command lines to generate the ASCII art. We then manually edited the generated ASCII art for more compactness to fit in the RFC draft line width.