✔️ This bot is developed only for Telegram users
✔️ Database is shared for all users
✔️ Generating analytics for selected period
Disclaimer: this project is created for personal usage. Do a fork for playing with the code
💡 It includes 2 possible guides: for setting up it with docker 🐳 or without it.
Clone the project from GitHub
git clone [email protected]:parfeniukink/family_budget_bot.git
For running the application locally without a tool like Docker you would need to install all dependencies by yourself.
First of all you have to install Python3.11 and SQLite3 on your machine since they are main infrastructure components.
More information about the installation process you can find HERE
Then you have to install Python dependencies that are used for running the application. For doing this we recommend using pipenv
as a tool for managing your virtual environment and project dependencies (but if you prefer using conda for example feel free to do this).
# install the pipenv tool
pip install pipenv
# activate the virtual environment
pipenv shell
# install dependencies from the Pipfile.lock file
pipenv sync --dev
For working with database the alembic too is used. To initiate a new database, run:
alembic upgrade head
More alembic commands
Generate a new migration file based on SQLAlchemy models
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "MESSAGE"
Upgrade database according to the last version of migrations
alembic upgrade head
Downgrade to the specific migration version
alembic downgrade 0e43c346b90d
P.S. This hash is taken from the generated file in the migrations folder
sqlite3 db.sqlite3
> delete from alembic_version;
For running the application locally you can use Uvicorn Python ASGI server. More information HERE
python -m src.run
The reload parameter will reload the Uvicorn server on any change in the project root
Since developers may use different operating system the Docker system is used in order to resolve the issue: "not working on my computer".
If more specifically, the Docker compose is used for better experience.
For setting up the project you just need to complete only a few steps:
- Install Docker [download page]
- Run Docker containers using docker-compose:
⚠️ This command should be ran in the project root folder (family_budget_bot/)*
docker-compose up -d
The -d
means --detach
that allows you to run the container in a background
More Docker commands:
# Shut down docker containers
docker-compose down
# Show logs
docker-compose logs
# Show logs in a real time
docker-compose logs -f
The project could be configurable by using the environment variables which are retrieved in src/settings.py
The example of setting up the environment variable:
# on Unix
export TELEGRAM_BOT_API_KEY=1223713432:AASDEH5ocYq2jqeqpxqasn123e0B5YrUWubKo
# on Windows
$env:TELEGRAM_BOT_API_KEY = "1223713432:AASDEH5ocYq2jqeqpxqasn123e0B5YrUWubKo";
Or as a preffered alternative you may use the .env
that is automatically complete the stuff above for you if you use pipenv
It means you jsut need to complete next steps:
# create the .env file base on the .env.default file
cp .env.default .env
# activate the virtual environment & export all environment variables automatically ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ━☆゚.*・。゚
pipenv shell
- So now, the project is ready to be used as a Telegram bot backend.
Just go to the Telegram bot that you had created with BotFather and start working.