bsml is a simple blog engine. given templates and some markdown files, bsml will set up a personal blog.
the goal is to allow users to focus on writing without having to worry about web development. of course, one can make their templates fancy, but at the core bsml is designed with simplicity first.
create a folder for specific topics in ./articles
create a md file in ./articles/<category>
edit the variables in .bsmlrc as you see fit
add an article title, author, date, and template file as follows
Article Name
<template file path>
if the author or date are unknown, write the respective value as $UNKNOWN (default: ?
if you don't want the article to appear in the category links, leave the 5th line empty
after that, write the content of your article. markdown is supported and will be translated to html tags.
to generate all articles, run $ ./
the articles will be available in ./build/<category>/<article>.html
- generate links to other articles
- generate every article at once
- rss feed
any valid html will work for a template file.
wherever you want the following information to be inserted, substituting "VARIABLE"
variables are stored in .bsmlrc
you can define more variables there as well
article title$AUTHOR
author name$DATE
article content$FOOTER
links to other articles$CATEGORY
article category name$UNKNOWN
character/string for missing values$HOME_PAGE
path to whatever page, can be inserted in templates to link back