Toolbox for Coordinate Transformations for Robotics Analysis.
Run the following to install [older version, for latest changes please install directly from the repo]:
pip install CoordinateTransformations
for installing directly from this repo
pip install git+
from CoordinateTranformations import RotationMatrix, TrasformationMatrix
# Create Rotation Matrix object
R = RotationMatrix()
# Generate Rotation of 30 degree about X-axis
R.rotx(30, unit='deg')
# Convert Rotation Matrix to Euler Angles in degrees
alpha, beta, gamma = R.to_euler_angles(output_unit='deg')
# Get Rotation Matrix from Euler Angles
R2 = RotationMatrix()
R2.from_euler_rotation(alpha, beta, gamma, unit='deg', order='zyx')
for more example see tests files
To install CoordinateTransformations, along with tools you need to develop and run tests, run the following in your virtualenv:
pip install -e .[dev]