A simple tool for tracing and visualizing OpenMP program execution, check SC18 OpenMP booth talk for an overview.
- Trace program execution using OMPT callback,
- Time stamp and calcualte elapsed time for parallel regions, worksharing, etc,
- Collect PAPI counters in each traced event
- Output the events and measurement data for a parallel region
- Output measurement data (elapsed time, and PAPI counters) in CSV file
- Dump all the traces to the graphml file for visualization
OpenMP implementation that supports OMPT interface, which is the LLVM OpenMP runtime. The LLVM OpenMP runtime can be installed standalone or with llvm/clang compiler. The instructions below are for standalone installation.
clone the repo and checkout the branch
git clone https://github.com/llvm-mirror/openmp.git llvm-openmp cd llvm-openmp
cmake to create the makefile with OMPT_SUPPORT abled, build it and install it
mkdir BUILD cd BUILD cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DLIBOMP_OMPT_SUPPORT=on -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../../llvm-openmp-install .. make; make install
If you use the OpenMP runtime installed with clang/llvm or from Intel compiler, you need to locate the libomp.so and omp.h/ompt.h and provide the path and filename to omptrace build and program execution.
git clone https://github.com/passlab/omptrace.git
cd omptrace;
Modify the CMakeList.txt file to enable and disable certain features and set the variables to point to the right location of OMPT-enabled runtime installation and PAPI. Then build with the following instructions:
mkdir build; cd build
cmake ..
There are three examples so far you can experiment in examples folder, axpy, jacobi and fib-task. Check the Makefile to see how they can be compiled and executed with omptrace enabled.
cd examples
make axpy
make runaxpy
cd examples
make fib
make runfib
Tracing is writen to a graphml file named OMPTRACE.graphml and you need yEd to layout and visualize the trace file.
The current implementation is simple and all traces of OMPT events are written to memory and then dump to the graphml file. Thus there is limitation of the number of events each thread records and the graphml file could be huge. This is particularly true for parallel iterative program that has some OpenMP parallel regions to be executed thousands of times. Jacobi shows such case, and two OpenMP loops each is executed for 5000 times. The graphml file generated is huge and not renderable.
3-clause BSD License and Acknowledgement
Copyright (c) 2016 - 2019 Yonghong Yan and PASSlab (https://passlab.github.io) from University of South Carolina. All rights reserved. Funding for this research and development was provided by the National Science Foundation under award number CISE CCF-1833312, and CISE SHF-1551182.