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@passsy passsy released this 01 Mar 18:20
· 147 commits to master since this release

The library has be upgrade to use Static Extension Methods.


This update also includes extensions for Dart collections which allow easy interoperability between dart and kt.dart collections using the .kt and .dart getters.

  // New: Converting dart collections to KtDart collections (mutable views)
  final KtMutableList<String> ktList = ["hey"].kt;
  final KtMutableSet<String> ktSet = {"hey"}.kt;
  final KtMutableMap<String, int> ktMap = {"hey": 1}.kt;

  // Converting KtDart collections to dart collections
  final List<String> dartList = KtList.of("hey").dart;
  final Set<String> dartSet = KtSet.of("hey").dart;
  final Map<String, int> dartMap = KtMap.from({"hey": 1}).dart;

Note: ["Hello", "World"].kt returns a KtMutableList<String> and mutations are reflected on the original dart list. It is not a copy! Because it doesn't copy it is very cheap and only syntax sugar.

To convert dart collections to their immutable kt.dart counterparts use: .toImmutableList(), .toImmutableSet(), .toImmutableMap()

  // New: Make dart collections immutable
  final KtList<String> list = ["hey"].toImmutableList();
  final KtSet<String> set = {"hey"}.toImmutableSet();
  final KtMap<String, int> map = {"hey": 1}.toImmutableMap();

Possible breaking changes

  • Relax sortBy/sortByDescending, maxBy/minBy typing to work better with ints and doubles #116
// Was: int doesn't not implement Comparable<int> but Comparable<num>
// minBy therefore required some help to figure out the correct type (<num>) 
users.minBy<num>((it) => it.age);

// Now: minBy doesn't require the Comparable (num) to have the same same as the value (int).
users.minBy((it) => it.age);
  • Remove unnecessary generic R from KtIterable.zipWithNext #118

New Extensions

  • KtPair and KtTriple now have a new toList() function to convert the values to a KtList
  • KtList?.orEmpty() returns an empty list when the list is null
  • KtSet?.orEmpty() returns an empty set when the set is null
  • KtMap?.orEmpty() returns an empty map when the map is null
  • KtMap.ifEmpty(() -> defaultValue) returns the default value when the map is empty
  • KtIterable<KtIterable<T>>.flatten() flattens the nested collections to KtIterable<T>
  • KtIterable<KtPair<T, U>>.unzip(): KtPair<KtList<T>, KtList<U>> unzips list of pairs to list of their first and second values
  • KtIterable<Comparable<T>>.min() returns the smallest element of any comparable iterable
  • KtIterable<Comparable<T>>.max() returns the largest element of any comparable iterable