A gateway for adding efficient Attribute Based Access Control in front of any FHIR compliant server.
This is a proof of concept only. Do not use it.
fhirgate acts as a Policy Decision Point & Policy Enforcement Point in front of a FHIR API server (also known as an API gateway). The FHIR API server itself is used as the Policy Information Point.
authorization rules are implemented using oso which allows utilizing the same policy for read and search operations. Read operations are authorized post-fetch by inspecting the returned resource. Search operations have mandatory additional query parameters applied before the request is forwarded to the target FHIR server.
- python
- python-pip
- python-virtualenv
- a FHIR server
For a quick FHIR server setup, run the IBM FHIR Server docker image:
docker run -d -p 9443:9443 -e BOOTSTRAP_DB=true ibmcom/ibm-fhir-server
Activate the virtual environment and get dependencies installed
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Preload sample data:
python load.py
Run the fhirgate server:
python main.py&
Run the 'integration test' script.
python main_it.py
Examine main_it.py for the test cases, covering some aspects of the authorization policies for both read and search operations.
This PoC has a couple of caveats:
- More complex operations are not supported (batch or transaction bundles, cross-resource queries, Includes, Revincludes...)
- The provenance information (sourceTeam / sourceOrg) for an object must be denormalized onto the "security" meta of the object itself, which may be an abuse of the field (it's a code, not a reference).