- Intro
- Figma
- Images
This project is made so all the elements are displayed correctly on popular screen sizes. We recommend investing more time in completing this project, since it's more difficult than previous ones.
The way you'll do this at work is by exporting images directly from Figma — we recommend doing that to practice more. Don't forget to optimize them here, so your project loads faster.
Good luck and have fun!
Project Name: Around The U.S.
Project description:
In this project, I created an interactive page where users can add and remove photos, like photos of other users, and make a few minor adjustments to their own profile. I worked with Figma design, which provided me layouts for mobile and desktop. For tablets, I based my design on my project's brief. I did a lot of work with JavaScript to add interactivity to the page. What a fun project!
- Technologies and techniques used:
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript were my core technoligies used on this project.
- Project screenshot:
- Link to my site: