This is a basic faucet for Stratis Platform test tokens (TSTRAT). It is written in dotnet core/typescript/Angular. It uses Refit against the stratisX Stratis.StratisD
and is bundled with Docker containers.
- Edit appsettings.json.docker:
"Faucet": {
"FullNodeApiurl": "",
"FullNodePassword": "<password>",
"FullNodeAccountName": "account 0",
"FullNodeWalletName": "<walletname>"
- Build the dotnet core container
docker build .
- Build the
Docker container
cd Docker/Stratis.StratisD/
docker build .
- Create a docker network
docker network create mynet
- Start the
container on the created network
docker run --name wallet --network mynet -p 37220:37220 -it <container id>
- Start stratfaucet container
docker run --network mynet -p 5000:5000 -it <stratfaucet container id>
- Styling
- Queue for messages