This environments creates a devstack environment. Also if you are behind a proxy this environment adds the proper modules to get and configure the environment behind it
- Once puppet finishes, The devstack install process is kicked into the background. You still have to wait for devstack to finish. Instlaler Logs /opt/stack/logs/ and /tmp/devstack-install.log
- Use etc/common-sample.yaml as a guide to create etc/common.yaml to build your environment
- If you are not behind a proxy do not set them in the yaml file
- Devstack credentials: admin/password and demo/password
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd mydevstack
NOTE If you are behind a proxy create common.yaml and modify to fit your needs
$ cp etc/common-sample.yaml etc/common.yaml
$ vi etc/common.yaml
$ vagrant up
$ git checkout master
Enabled services:
- nova
- glance
- neutron
- cinder
- keystone
- horizon
- tempest
You will need 8GB at least for your devstack environment
Add devstack_setup: complex to etc/common.yaml
$ vi etc/common.yaml
devstack_setup: complex
Enabled services:
- nova
- glance
- neutron
- cinder
- keystone
- horizon
- tempest
- swift
- lbaas
- fwass
- vpnaas
- gre tunnels
- ceilometer
- trove