Setup or Removes the Proxy configuration on Linux boxes
This module depends on stdlib from puppetlabs to work: In case you do not have access to internet (for obvious reasons, not setting the proxy yet :P ) You can take it from vendor directory (included here) and move to your modules directory:
- Redhat based:
- centos, fedora, redhat, scientific linux
- Debian based:
- debian, ubuntu
- SuSE based:
NOTE Schemes are mandatory: Proxy URLs now must have an explicit scheme. A MissingSchema exception will be raised if they don't. More info:
node default {
class { 'proxy':
http_proxy_host => "",
http_proxy_port => "3128",
https_proxy_host => "",
https_proxy_port => "3128",
socks_proxy_host => "socks://",
socks_proxy_port => "3128",
ftp_proxy_host => "",
ftp_proxy_port => "3128",
no_proxy_domains => ",",
node default {
class { 'proxy::remove': }
$ mkdir -p puppet/modules
$ cd puppet/modules
$ git clone
$ cd proxy
$ mv vendor/stdlib ../
$ cd tests
$ vi setup.pp # modify accoring your environment
$ puppet apply --modulepath=../../ setup.pp