MIDI OSC Link for the Raspberry Pi.
Tested with the following:
- OSC device: Behringer, X-AIR, XR18.
- MIDI device: BOSS Loop Station, RC-300
The hardware schematics are attached in JPG format (Issues section).
- Foot Switch 1 - Toggles Mute Group 1. (LED 1 on when muted).
- Foot Switch 2 - Toggles Mute Group 2. (LED 2 on when muted).
- Foot Switch 3 - Toggles between Auto Tempo Sync & Manual Tap Tempo. (LED 3 flashes to tempo). Updates OSC device, FX slot 3, parameter 1 (delay in ms). Tapping foot switch 3 will manually update delay parameter. Holding foot switch 3 for >3 seconds will activate auto mode, which reads MIDI device tempo and updates OSC delay parameter.
IP Address of OSC device must be manually entered in config.h and re-compiled.
Setup I/O Interface:
Install GIT first: 'sudo apt-get install git-core' Update GIT: 'sudo apt-get update' Upgrade GIT: 'sudo apt-get upgrade' Go to Folder: 'cd /root/lib/wiringPi' Download Lib: 'git clone git://git.drogon.net/wiringPi' Update Lib: 'git pull origin' Build: './build' Test: 'gpio -v' or 'gpio readall'
To Make - Clean & Build: 'make', Clean Only: 'make clean' and Build Only: 'make all'
To Execute - './MOLink'
To Run Process in Background:
- 'nohup /home/pi/MOLink/MOLink > MOLink.log 2>&1 & echo $!'
To Run on boot-up:
- Edit '/etc/rc.local'
- Add line after first comments: nohup /home/pi/MOLink/MOLink > /home/pi/MOLink/MOLink.log 2> /home/pi/MOLink/MOLink.err < /dev/null &
To Setup WIFI (example): Add to '/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf' network={ ssid="ASUS" scan_ssid=1 psk="password" } network={ ssid="ASUS_5G" scan_ssid=1 psk="password" }
Setup Serial Port for MIDI:
- Free serial port from Serial console: Modify '/boot/cmdline.txt' - remove sections containing 'ttyAMA0'. Modify '/etc/inittab' - comment out line 'T0:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyAMA0 115200 vt100'
- Hack!!! Modify UART clock to support MIDI 31500 Baud rate (3MHz x 31250 / 38400) Using UART standard Baud Rate of 38400 bps.
- Add to '/boot/config.txt' init_uart_clock=2441406 init_uart_baud=38400
- Add to '/boot/cmdline.txt' bcm2708.uart_clock=3000000
- Command to test: vcgencmd measure_clock uart