This is a repository of my useful linux shell commands presented as dot (.) files, you can load this into your developer environment to provide a set of functions and commonly used shell commands wrapped as aliases.
Simply follow the instructions below and the set of files and aliases will be loaded into your environment ready to use.
Warning: Installing the dotfiles will potentially overwrite files in your home directory, however
all dotfiles are backed up first into the directory ~/.dotfiles
Create a directory of your choosing, it doesnt matter where on the file system you like to keep your repositories, for example:
mkdir $home/dotfiles && cd $home/dotfiles
Clone the repository using git:
git clone
To install run:
To update run:
To configure a new mac:
After looking at several dotfile repos for inspiration I found @mathiasbynens to be the best suitable match for me although it contains far too much configuration for my personal preference.
I also found the repository by @paulmillr interesting and there were some useful snippets obtained from here as well.