#LESS CSS3 Mixins
Comprehensive array of LESS mixins that allow you use CSS3 features without having to worry about vendor prefixes. Awesome.
All mixins come with sweet documentation including available values & units, W3 references and even examples. All you have to do is play with them.
PLUS! Robert Penner's easing equations as cubic-bezier functions, all thanks to the work of Matthew Lein. Now you have no excuse not to spice up your CSS3 transitions.
- display-box
- box-orient
- box-pack
- box-align
- box-flex
- box-sizing
- user-select
- border-radius
- box-shadow
- text-shadow
- linear-gradient
- radial-gradient
- transform
- transform-origin
- transform-style
- perspective
- perspective-origin
- backface-visibility
- matrix
- translate
- scale
- rotate
- skew
- transition
- easing