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Collaborative counter web app to keep track of multiple values

I created this project because I was looking for a simple counter app that can share its state in real-time between multiple devices — no account required, no app to download, and especially no ads.

This project is built with TypeScript, React, Apollo GraphQL and Prisma. Combining those technologies offers a great developper experience 🚀


Getting started


To run the app locally, you'll need the following tools:


  1. Install project dependencies
    yarn install
  2. Make a copy of .env.template into a .env file.

Start the database

Run the following command to start the Postgres database inside of a docker container

yarn db:start

Then, you can initialize tables in the database with this command: sh

npx prisma migrate dev

This command will the data model defined in schema.prisma to the database schema and generate type definitions for prisma client in node_modules/@prisma/client folder.

Start the app

Launch the GraphQL server with this command:

yarn dev:server

Then start the React application with the following command:

yarn dev:client

The app is now live on http://localhost:3000

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

yarn db:start, yarn db:stop

Start and stop the Postgres container.

yarn prisma:studio

Launch Prisma studio GUI to explore and manipulate the data in the database.

yarn codegen:prisma

Reads Prisma schema and generates the Prisma Client code in the node_modules/@prisma/client folder. It provides a type-safe query builder and Typescript definitions for all database models.

You'll need to run this command whenever you make changes in the database Schema to update the generated code.

yarn codegen:graphql

This command uses GraphQL Code Generator to generate Typescript definitions for:

  • GraphQL resolvers on the server.
  • GraphQL queries made on the client. The typescript-react-apollo plugin generates reusable React hooks to send GraphQL queries.
  • GraphQL queries made during tests. The gql-tag-operations-preset preset is used to generate typings for inline gql usage. So need to import types from anywhere, it's just magic 🪄

You'll need to run this command whenever you make changes to the GraphQL Schema or client-side or test queries to update the generated code.

Alternatively, you can run the command once in watch mode:

yarn codegen:graphql --watch

yarn codegen

Run both codegen:graphql and codegen:prisma

yarn test

Run tests.

For integration tests to run correctly, you'll need to start the database container with yarn db:start

yarn build

Build the server and client projects for production.

yarn start

Command to run after running yarn build to start the app in production mode.


MIT license.