It's snap, the visual, blocks based programming language stuffed in electron to control firmata based robots via the serial port. It was inspired by Snap4Arduino and mBlock.
Snaptron's main features:
- Support for multiple connected robots. A Snap! sprite is assigned to each robot so you can control it independently.
- No need to know on which serial port the robot is. Snaptron scans all serial ports for signs of a connected robot
- Provides visual feedback of the robot connection status (connected, reconnecting, disconnected, offline)
- Automatically detects robots disconnection and makes a predetermined number of attempts to reconnect
- Automatically saves the project on exit
- Automatically loads the last opened project when application starts
You can install and run snaptron by running
git clone --recursive
npm install
npm start
After cloning the repository, you can run:
npm run dist
Gitter room for anyone interested in discussing anything related with snaptron: