The following spacecmd functions are available for working with repositories.
- repo_addfilters
Add filters for a user repository.
usage: repo_addfilters repo <filter ...>
- repo_clearfilters
Clears the filters for a user repository.
usage: repo_clearfilters repo
- repo_create
Create a user repository.
usage: repo_create <options> options: -n, --name name of repository -u, --url url of repository --ca SSL CA certificate (not required) --cert SSL Client certificate (not required) --key SSL Client key (not required)
- repo_delete
Delete a user repository.
usage: repo_delete <repo ...>
- repo_details
Show the details of a user repository.
usage: repo_details <repo ...>
- repo_list
List all available user repository.
usage: repo_list
- repo_listfilters
Show the filters for a user repository.
usage: repo_listfilters repo
- repo_removefilters
Remove filters from a user repository.
usage: repo_removefilters repo <filter ...>
- repo_rename
Rename a user repository.
usage: repo_rename OLDNAME NEWNAME
- repo_setfilters
Set the filters for a user repo.
usage: repo_setfilters repo <filter ...>
- repo_updatessl
Change the SSL certificates of a user repository.
usage: repo_updatessl <options> options: --ca SSL CA certificate (not required) --cert SSL Client certificate (not required) --key SSL Client key (not required)
- repo_updateurl
Change the URL of a user repository.
usage: repo_updateurl <repo> <url>
The following spacecmd functions are available for working with reports.
- report_duplicates
List duplicate system profiles.
usage: report_duplicates
- report_errata
List all errata and how many systems they affect.
usage: report_errata [ERRATA|search:XXX ...]
- report_inactivesystems
List all inactive systems.
usage: report_inactivesystems [DAYS]
- report_ipaddresses
List the hostname and IP of each system.
usage: report_network [<SYSTEMS>] <SYSTEMS> can be any of the following: name ssm (see 'help ssm') search:QUERY (see 'help system_search') group:GROUP channel:CHANNEL
- report_kernels
List the running kernel of each system.
usage: report_kernels [<SYSTEMS>] <SYSTEMS> can be any of the following: name ssm (see 'help ssm') search:QUERY (see 'help system_search') group:GROUP channel:CHANNEL
- report_outofdatesystems
List all out-of-date systems.
usage: report_outofdatesystems
- report_ungroupedsystems
List all ungrouped systems.
usage: report_ungroupedsystems
The following spacecmd functions are available for working with OpenSCAP.
- scap_getxccdfscandetails
Get details of given OpenSCAP XCCDF scan.
usage: scap_getxccdfscandetails <XID>
- scap_getxccdfscanruleresults
Return a full list of RuleResults for given OpenSCAP XCCDF scan.
usage: scap_getxccdfscanruleresults <XID>
- scap_listxccdfscans
Return a list of finished OpenSCAP scans for given systems.
usage: scap_listxccdfscans <SYSTEMS>
- scap_schedulexccdfscan
Schedule Scap XCCDF scan.
usage: scap_schedulexccdfscan PATH_TO_XCCDF_FILE XCCDF_OPTIONS SYSTEMS Example: > scap_schedulexccdfscan '/usr/share/openscap/scap-security-xccdf.xml' 'profile Web-Default' \
The following spacecmd functions are available for working with scheduling.
- schedule_cancel
Cancel a scheduled action.
usage: schedule_cancel ID|* ...
- schedule_details
Show the details of a scheduled action.
usage: schedule_details ID
- schedule_getoutput
Show the output from an action.
usage: schedule_getoutput ID
- schedule_list
List all actions.
usage: schedule_list [BEGINDATE] [ENDDATE] Dates can be any of the following: Explicit Dates: Dates can be expressed as explicit date strings in the YYYYMMDD[HHMM] format. The year, month and day are required, while the hours and minutes are not; the hours and minutes will default to 0000 if no values are provided. Deltas: Dates can be expressed as delta values. For example, '2h' would mean 2 hours in the future. You can also use negative values to express times in the past (e.g., -7d would be one week ago). Units: s -> seconds m -> minutes h -> hours d -> days
- schedule_listarchived
List archived actions.
usage: schedule_listarchived [BEGINDATE] [ENDDATE] Dates can be any of the following: Explicit Dates: Dates can be expressed as explicit date strings in the YYYYMMDD[HHMM] format. The year, month and day are required, while the hours and minutes are not; the hours and minutes will default to 0000 if no values are provided. Deltas: Dates can be expressed as delta values. For example, '2h' would mean 2 hours in the future. You can also use negative values to express times in the past (e.g., -7d would be one week ago). Units: s -> seconds m -> minutes h -> hours d -> days
- schedule_listcompleted
List completed actions.
Dates can be any of the following: Explicit Dates: Dates can be expressed as explicit date strings in the YYYYMMDD[HHMM] format. The year, month and day are required, while the hours and minutes are not; the hours and minutes will default to 0000 if no values are provided. Deltas: Dates can be expressed as delta values. For example, '2h' would mean 2 hours in the future. You can also use negative values to express times in the past (e.g., -7d would be one week ago). Units: s -> seconds m -> minutes h -> hours d -> days
- schedule_listfailed
List failed actions.
usage: schedule_listfailed [BEGINDATE] [ENDDATE] Dates can be any of the following: Explicit Dates: Dates can be expressed as explicit date strings in the YYYYMMDD[HHMM] format. The year, month and day are required, while the hours and minutes are not; the hours and minutes will default to 0000 if no values are provided. Deltas: Dates can be expressed as delta values. For example, '2h' would mean 2 hours in the future. You can also use negative values to express times in the past (e.g., -7d would be one week ago). Units: s -> seconds m -> minutes h -> hours d -> days
- schedule_listpending
List pending actions.
usage: schedule_listpending [BEGINDATE] [ENDDATE] Dates can be any of the following: Explicit Dates: Dates can be expressed as explicit date strings in the YYYYMMDD[HHMM] format. The year, month and day are required, while the hours and minutes are not; the hours and minutes will default to 0000 if no values are provided. Deltas: Dates can be expressed as delta values. For example, '2h' would mean 2 hours in the future. You can also use negative values to express times in the past (e.g., -7d would be one week ago). Units: s -> seconds m -> minutes h -> hours d -> days
- schedule_reschedule
Reschedule failed actions.
usage: schedule_reschedule ID|* ...
The following spacecmd functions are available for working with Kickstart snippets.
- snippet_create
Create a Kickstart snippet
usage: snippet_create [options] options: -n NAME -f FILE
- snippet_delete
Delete a Kickstart snippet.
usage: snippet_removefile NAME
- snippet_details
Show the contents of a snippet.
usage: snippet_details SNIPPET ...
- snippet_list
List the available Kickstart snippets.
usage: snippet_list
- snippet_update
Update a Kickstart snippet.
usage: snippet_update NAME
The following spacecmd functions are available for working with software channels.
- softwarechannel_adderrata
Add patches from one channel into another channel.
usage: softwarechannel_adderrata SOURCE DEST <ERRATA|search:XXX ...> Options: -q/--quick : Don't display list of packages (slightly faster) -s/--skip : Skip errata which appear to exist already in DEST
- softwarechannel_adderratabydate
Add errata from one channel into another channel based on a date range.
usage: softwarechannel_adderratabydate [options] SOURCE DEST BEGINDATE ENDDATE Date format : YYYYMMDD Options: -p/--publish : Publish errata to the channel (don't clone)
- softwarechannel_addpackages
Add packages to a software channel.
usage: softwarechannel_addpackages CHANNEL <PACKAGE ...>
- softwarechannel_addrepo
Add a repo to a software channel.
usage: softwarechannel_addrepo CHANNEL REPO
- softwarechannel_clone
Clone a software channel.
usage: softwarechannel_clone [options] options: -s SOURCE_CHANNEL -n NAME -l LABEL -p PARENT_CHANNEL --gpg-copy/-g (copy SOURCE_CHANNEL GPG details) --gpg-url GPG_URL --gpg-id GPG_ID --gpg-fingerprint GPG_FINGERPRINT -o do not clone any patches --regex/-x "s/foo/bar" : Optional regex replacement, replaces foo with bar in the clone name and label
- softwarechannel_clonetree
Clone a software channel and its child channels.
usage: softwarechannel_clonetree [options]A e.g softwarechannel_clonetree foobasechannel -p "my_" softwarechannel_clonetree foobasechannel -x "s/foo/bar" softwarechannel_clonetree foobasechannel -x "s/^/my_" options: -s/--source-channel SOURCE_CHANNEL -p/--prefix PREFIX (is prepended to the label and name of all channels) --gpg-copy/-g (copy GPG details for correspondoing source channel)) --gpg-url GPG_URL (applied to all channels) --gpg-id GPG_ID (applied to all channels) --gpg-fingerprint GPG_FINGERPRINT (applied to all channels) -o do not clone any errata --regex/-x "s/foo/bar" : Optional regex replacement, replaces foo with bar in the clone name, label and description
- softwarechannel_create
Create a software channel.
usage: softwarechannel_create [options] options: -n NAME -l LABEL -p PARENT_CHANNEL -a ARCHITECTURE ['ia32', 'ia64', 'x86_64', 'ppc', 'i386-sun-solaris', 'sparc-sun-solaris'] -c CHECKSUM ['sha1', 'sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512'] -u GPG_URL -i GPG_ID -f GPG_FINGERPRINT
- softwarechannel_delete
Delete a software channel.
usage: softwarechannel_delete <CHANNEL ...>
- softwarechannel_details
Show the details of a software channel.
usage: softwarechannel_details <CHANNEL ...>
- softwarechannel_diff
Check the difference between software channels.
usage: softwarechannel_diff SOURCE_CHANNEL TARGET_CHANNEL
- softwarechannel_errata_diff
Check the difference between software channel files.
usage: softwarechannel_errata_diff SOURCE_CHANNEL TARGET_CHANNEL
- softwarechannel_errata_sync
Sync errata of two software channels.
usage: softwarechannel_errata_sync SOURCE_CHANNEL TARGET_CHANNEL
- softwarechannel_getorgaccess
Get the org-access for the software channel.
usage : softwarechannel_getorgaccess : get org access for all channels usage : softwarechannel_getorgaccess <channel_label(s)> : get org access for specific channel(s)
- softwarechannel_list
List all available software channels.
usage: softwarechannel_list [options]' options: -v verbose (display label and summary) -t tree view (pretty-print child-channels)
- softwarechannel_listallpackages
List all packages in a channel.
usage: softwarechannel_listallpackages CHANNEL
- softwarechannel_listbasechannels
List all base software channels.
usage: softwarechannel_listbasechannels [options] options: -v verbose (display label and summary)
- softwarechannel_listchildchannels
List child software channels.
usage: softwarechannel_listchildchannels [options] softwarechannel_listchildchannels : List all child channels softwarechannel_listchildchannels CHANNEL : List children for a specific base channel options: -v verbose (display label and summary)
- softwarechannel_listerrata
List the errata associated with a software channel.
usage: softwarechannel_listerrata <CHANNEL ...> [from=yyyymmdd [to=yyyymmdd]]
- softwarechannel_listerratabydate
List errata from channelbased on a date range.
usage: softwarechannel_listerratabydate CHANNEL BEGINDATE ENDDATE Date format : YYYYMMDD
- softwarechannel_listlatestpackages
List the newest version of all packages in a channel.
usage: softwarechannel_listlatestpackages CHANNEL
- softwarechannel_listpackages
List the most recent packages available from a software channel.
usage: softwarechannel_listpackages CHANNEL
- softwarechannel_listrepos
List the repos for a software channel.
usage: softwarechannel_listrepos CHANNEL
- softwarechannel_listsyncschedule
List sync schedules for all software channels.
usage: softwarechannel_listsyncschedule : List all channels
- softwarechannel_listsystems
List all systems subscribed to a software channel.
usage: softwarechannel_listsystems CHANNEL
- softwarechannel_mirrorpackages
Download packages of a given channel.
usage: softwarechannel_mirrorpackages CHANNEL Options: -l/--latest : Only mirror latest package version
- softwarechannel_regenerateneededcache
Regenerate the needed errata and package cache for all systems.
usage: softwarechannel_regenerateneededcache
- softwarechannel_regenerateyumcache
Regenerate the YUM cache for a software channel.
usage: softwarechannel_regenerateyumcache <CHANNEL ...>
- softwarechannel_removeerrata
Remove patches from a software channel.
usage: softwarechannel_removeerrata CHANNEL <ERRATA:search:XXX ...>
- softwarechannel_removepackages
Remove packages from a software channel.
usage: softwarechannel_removepackages CHANNEL <PACKAGE ...>
- softwarechannel_removerepo
Remove a repo from a software channel.
usage: softwarechannel_removerepo CHANNEL REPO
- softwarechannel_removesyncschedule
Removes the repo sync schedule for a software channel.
usage: softwarechannel_setsyncschedule <CHANNEL>
- softwarechannel_setorgaccess
Set the org-access for the software channel.
usage : softwarechannel_setorgaccess <channel_label> [options] -d,--disable : disable org access (private, no org sharing) -e,--enable : enable org access (public access to all trusted orgs)
- softwarechannel_setsyncschedule
Sets the repo sync schedule for a software channel.
usage: softwarechannel_setsyncschedule <CHANNEL> <SCHEDULE> The schedule is specified in Quartz CronTrigger format without enclosing quotes. For example, to set a schedule of every day at 1am, <SCHEDULE> would be 0 0 1 * * ?
- softwarechannel_sync
Sync the packages of two software channels.
usage: softwarechannel_sync SOURCE_CHANNEL TARGET_CHANNEL
- softwarechannel_syncrepos
Sync users repos for a software channel.
usage: softwarechannel_syncrepos <CHANNEL ...>
The following spacecmd functions are available for use with System Set Manager.
- ssm_add
Add systems to the SSM.
usage: ssm_add <SYSTEMS> see 'help ssm' for more details <SYSTEMS> can be any of the following: name ssm (see 'help ssm') search:QUERY (see 'help system_search') group:GROUP channel:CHANNEL
- ssm_clear
Remove all systems from the SSM.
usage: ssm_clear
- ssm_intersect
Replace the current SSM with the intersection of the current list of systems and the list of systems passed as arguments.
usage: ssm_intersect <SYSTEMS> see 'help ssm' for more details <SYSTEMS> can be any of the following: name ssm (see 'help ssm') search:QUERY (see 'help system_search') group:GROUP channel:CHANNE
- ssm_list
List the systems currently in the SSM.
usage: ssm_list see 'help ssm' for more details
- ssm_remove
Remove systems from the SSM.
usage: ssm_remove <SYSTEMS> see 'help ssm' for more details <SYSTEMS> can be any of the following: name ssm (see 'help ssm') search:QUERY (see 'help system_search') group:GROUP channel:CHANNEL
The following spacecmd functions are available for use with systems.
- system_addchildchannels
Add child channels to a system.
usage: system_addchildchannels <SYSTEMS> <CHANNEL ...> <SYSTEMS> can be any of the following: name ssm (see 'help ssm') search:QUERY (see 'help system_search') group:GROUP channel:CHANNEL
- system_addconfigchannels
Add config channels to a system.
usage: system_addconfigchannels <SYSTEMS> <CHANNEL ...> [options] options: -t add channels to the top of the list -b add channels to the bottom of the list <SYSTEMS> can be any of the following: name ssm (see 'help ssm') search:QUERY (see 'help system_search') group:GROUP channel:CHANNEL
- system_addconfigfile
Create a configuration file.
Note this is only for system sandbox or locally-managed files Centrally managed files should be created via configchannel_addfile usage: system_addconfigfile [SYSTEM] [options] options: -S/--sandbox : list only system-sandbox files -L/--local : list only locally managed files -p PATH -r REVISION -o OWNER [default: root] -g GROUP [default: root] -m MODE [defualt: 0644] -x SELINUX_CONTEXT -d path is a directory -s path is a symlink -b path is a binary (or other file which needs base64 encoding) -t SYMLINK_TARGET -f local path to file contents Note re binary/base64: Some text files, notably those containing trailing newlines, those containing ASCII escape characters (or other charaters not allowed in XML) need to be sent as binary (-b). Some effort is made to auto- detect files which require this, but you may need to explicitly specify.
- system_addcustomvalue
Set a custom value for a system.
usage: system_addcustomvalue KEY VALUE <SYSTEMS> <SYSTEMS> can be any of the following: name ssm (see 'help ssm') search:QUERY (see 'help system_search') group:GROUP channel:CHANNEL
- system_addentitlements
Add entitlements to a system.
usage: system_addentitlements <SYSTEMS> ENTITLEMENT <SYSTEMS> can be any of the following: name ssm (see 'help ssm') search:QUERY (see 'help system_search') group:GROUP channel:CHANNEL
- system_addnote
Set a note for a system.
usage: system_addnote <SYSTEM> [options] options: -s SUBJECT -b BODY <SYSTEMS> can be any of the following: name ssm (see 'help ssm') search:QUERY (see 'help system_search') group:GROUP channel:CHANNEL
- system_applyerrata
Apply errata to a system.
usage: system_applyerrata <SYSTEMS> [ERRATA|search:XXX ...] <SYSTEMS> can be any of the following: name ssm (see 'help ssm') search:QUERY (see 'help system_search') group:GROUP channel:CHANNEL
- system_comparepackageprofile
Compare a system against a package profile.
usage: system_comparepackageprofile <SYSTEMS> PROFILE <SYSTEMS> can be any of the following: name ssm (see 'help ssm') search:QUERY (see 'help system_search') group:GROUP channel:CHANNEL
- system_comparepackages
Compare the packages between two systems.
usage: system_comparepackages SOME_SYSTEM ANOTHER_SYSTEM
- system_comparewithchannel
Compare the installed packages on a system with those in the channels it is registered to, or optionally some other channel.
usage: system_comparewithchannel <SYSTEMS> [options] options: -c/--channel : Specific channel to compare against, default is those subscribed to, including child channels <SYSTEMS> can be any of the following: name ssm (see 'help ssm') search:QUERY (see 'help system_search') group:GROUP channel:CHANNEL
- system_createpackageprofile
Create a package profile.
usage: system_createpackageprofile SYSTEM [options]