This is the source for the official SUSE Manager documentation. Documents can be viewed on GitHub as rendered AsciiDoc sources, by browsing to MAIN-manager.adoc.
For more details on SUSE Manager documentation, visit the SUSE Manager Documentation Wiki. In the wiki find information about asciidoc usage, publishing the set of documents on the Web or with the product, technical background information about our tools, and more.
To contribute to SUSE Manager documentation:
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
Check out the
branch:git checkout master
Create a new working branch for your changes:
git checkout -b branchname
Navigate to the
directory and make your changes using your preferred text editor. -
Ensure your changes build locally. This step requires that you have your local environment set up correctly. <!-- TODO: add environment setup instructions -→
Add the updated files to your commit:
git add .
Commit your changes:
git commit -m "Commit message here"
Push your changes:
git push
Note that git may require you to set an upstream in order to push. If so, use this command:
git push --set-upstream origin branchname
Create a pull request (PR) by navigating to and clicking on
Compare and Create Pull Request
. Write an informative commit message detailing your changes, choose reviewers, and save your PR.ℹ️Choose your reviewers carefully! If you have made changes to the technical detail of the documentation, choose an appropriate subject matter expert (SME) to review those changes. Additionally, every change requires at least one documentation team member to approve.
These standards ensure that our documentation is accurate, that PRs are not left to age, and that the source code remains clean. Ensure you follow these standards if you are participating in the SUSE Manager documentation repository.
If you are still working on a PR, add
to the title of your PR. This allows people to review the PR, but notifies reviewers that you have not completed work. -
Only the original author should merge PRs, do not merge other author’s PRs unless you have express permission from them to do so.
Do not merge a PR until you have received the following approvals:
For a technical change, approval from at least one SME
For all changes, approval from at least one other member of the documentation team
Joseph Cayouette @jcayouette
Karl Eichwalder @keichwa
Lana Brindley @Loquacity
Update: 6.6.2018:
✓ Move from db5 sources to adoc
✓ Create an adoc getting started guide (see wiki)
✓ Create links to official Asciidoctor manuals