A tiny utility to dump a csv file as text into a Postgres database.
Creates the table for you automatically. All columns are varchar, it just gets the data into the db so you can do ETL with SQL.
Should be very fast as it uses Postgres' COPY command. Python just orchestrates the process.
Clone repo:
git clone [email protected]:pavdwest/pgymport.git
Create a new virtual environment & install dependencies:
cd pgymport
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 src/cli.py --help
Usage: cli.py [OPTIONS]
--filepath TEXT Relative/full filepath including extension.
--delimiter TEXT Delimiter/Column Separator in file.
[default: ,]
--server TEXT Server/Host on which the database resides.
[default: localhost]
--database TEXT Database to load data into. Will be created
if doesn't exist. [default: pgymportdb]
--table TEXT Create the data with a specific table name.
Will drop and recreate this table if it
exists so use carefully! Uses convention
'tmp_[YYYYmmDD_HHMMSS_fff]' if not provided.
--username TEXT Postgres username [default: postgres]
--password TEXT Postgres user password
--port INTEGER Port [default: 5432]
--column-width INTEGER Max characters per column. [default: 256]
--install-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
Install completion for the specified shell.
--show-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
Show completion for the specified shell, to
copy it or customize the installation.
--help Show this message and exit.
python3 src/cli.py --filepath="data/friends.csv"
python3 src/cli.py --filepath="data/friends.csv" delimiter="," --server="localhost" database="pgymportdb" table="friendstable" --username "postgres" --password="supersecurepassword" --port=5432 --column-width=1024