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The Payshares JavaScript Library

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payshares-lib connects to the Payshares network via the WebSocket protocol. It runs in Node.js or in the browser.

Use payshares-lib for:

  • Connecting to a local or remote paysharesd in JavaScript (Node.js or browser)
  • Issuing paysharesd API requests
  • Listening to events on the payshares network (transaction, ledger, etc.)
  • Signing and submitting transactions to the payshares network

In this file:

  1. Overview
  2. Getting payshares-lib
  3. Quickstart
  4. Running tests

For additional documentation see:

  1. The payshares-lib Guides (docs/
  2. The payshares-lib API Reference (docs/

Also see:

Getting payshares-lib

Via npm for Node.js

  $ npm install payshares-lib

Build from the source using gulp

  $ git clone
  $ cd payshares-lib
  $ npm install
  $ gulp

Then use the minified build/payshares-*-min.js in your webpage


Remote (remote.js) is the module responsible for managing connections to paysharesd servers:

/* Loading payshares-lib with Node.js */
var Remote = require('payshares-lib').Remote;

/* Loading payshares-lib in a webpage */
// var Remote = payshares.Remote;

var remote = new Remote({
  // see the API Reference for available options
  trusted:        true,
  local_signing:  true,
  local_fee:      true,
  fee_cushion:     1.5,
  servers: [
        host:    ''
      , port:    9001
      , secure:  true

remote.connect(function() {
  /* remote connected */

  // see the API Reference for available functions

See The payshares-lib Guides and The payshares-lib API Reference for walkthroughs and details about all of the available functions and options.

Running tests

  1. Clone the repository

  2. cd into the repository and install dependencies with npm install

  3. npm test or make test or node_modules\.bin\mocha test\*-test.js

Generating code coverage

payshares-lib uses istanbul to generate code coverage. To create a code coverage report, run npm test --coverage. The report will be created in coverage/lcov-report/.