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Cannot create a mysql database

pacbiodevnet edited this page Mar 20, 2013 · 5 revisions

Credentials problem:

To install SMRT Portal, you must know the credentials to log into your mysql server as root. The script will prompt you for the username (default root) and the password (default no password).

You can test different passwords to see if you can log by typing the following:

mysql -u <root> -p <mysql>

If you do not know your password or your system administrator has forgotten it, you may want to try resetting it like so:

Bind address problem:

SMRT Portal has difficulty connecting to the smrtportal mysql database after installation if you have a unique setting in your myslq my.conf file. A typical error when you try to create the first administrator user is

Error listing Users. Case; 'hibernate.dialect' must be set when no Connection available.

Check that you are using a different bind address: grep bind /etc/mysql/my.cnf

If you had changed the bind address to something other than the default, then you need to replace localhost in the $SEYMOUR_HOME/redist/tomcat/webapps/smrtportal/WEBINF/classes/META-INF/persistence.xml file with the actual IP address, or hostname of the server running mysql.

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