Original code by K. Paraschou, https://github.com/ecloud-cern/ecloud-scrubbing-containers
A list of useful commands:
# List current status of jobs
# To ssh to the job when it starts
condor_ssh_to_job -auto-retry 3960224.0
- Your password to login in registry.cern.ch is found in the user profile in registry.cern.ch (called "CLI secret").
- As a final step, need to add the registry address in the cvmfs sourcing yaml
To build an image: Go to lumimod004
# Modify the image file
vim images/build.pybb.2024.0
# IF docker doesn't run
sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
newgrp - docker
# Create the image
sudo docker build -f images/build.pybb.2024.0 -t registry.cern.ch/bbstudies/pybb:2024.0 .
# Or by overwriting the cache:
docker build --no-cache -f images/build.pybb.2024.0 -t registry.cern.ch/bbstudies/pybb:2024.0 .
# Push to the registry
sudo docker login registry.cern.ch
sudo docker push registry.cern.ch/bbstudies/pybb:2024.0
To use the image in interactive mode:
# @local (sourcing from registry directly)
sudo docker run -it -v /absolute/path/to/mount/:/usr/local/pybb/OUT registry.cern.ch/bbstudies/pybb:2024.0
# Pulling and sourcing
apptainer exec --bind /afs:/afs docker://registry.cern.ch/bbstudies/pybb:2024.0 bash
# @lxplus (sourcing from cvmfs)
singularity exec /cvmfs/unpacked.cern.ch/registry.cern.ch/bbstudies/pybb:2024.0 /bin/bash
To list images pulled on local machine:
# List images
sudo docker images