- Source code of the backpropagation algorithm
- Training and validation sets
- Data set generated from two images
- Data set generated from ten images
- MATLAB source code of the Fourier-Mellin transform
Go to data/train or data/train2 and execute ./import2.pl (edit the script to change the size of the data set).
Use src/FourierMellin/applyCavanagh.m to generate the raw and invariant features for training (raw.txt and features.txt).
Use data/tableto{lisp,svm}.pl to convert the data set to a format which can be read by lisp or the support vector library:
../tabletolisp.pl < features.txt > features.lisp
The script data/train2/scale.R can be used to scale the data appropriately.
Load 'learning-algorithm.lisp' into lisp and execute
(defparameter features
(make-instance 'learning-algorithm
:network (make-instance 'ff-ann :topology (list :layers '(1023 15 10) :transf *tanh*))
:data (make-instance 'data :file "features.lisp" :percentage 10)
:algorithm 'backprop-incremental))
to create a neural network with 1023x15x10 neurons, tanh activation function, where an incremental backprop algorithm is used. 10% of the data set will be used as validation set.
Then execute
(run features #'(lambda (a) (>= (epoch a) 200)) :learning-rate 0.001)
to train the network (the algorithm stops after 200 epochs).
To save/restore the weights of a network use:
(save-weights features "features.weights")
(restore-weights features "features.weights")