- Run.py file only works to run the app and nothing much
- init.py is our main file that handles all creation and import and stuff
- froms.py has our forms as before
- models.py has our database info
- routes.py has our routes
Static folder has
anch.jpg, bg.jpg, logo.png { our static image files used in html pages}
- Quick tip = in flask images only load in if they are kept in the static folder with the css file
main.css {out stylesheet}
Templates folder has
_formhelpers.html--> is a macro that loads in the form fields as well as the erros, also the styles and classes are mentioned here if you want to edit them in css
layout.html --> is a macro basically the block and extend thing and this controls the overall layout and things that are common to every other page
home.html, abouthtml --> Basic nothing much
signin.html, signup.html --> our form pages where using the macros in _formhelpers.html we render the form fiels
databse.db is our databse file from SQLAlchemy