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pbrisbin edited this page Apr 10, 2013 · 3 revisions


Did basil go to sleep?

A lot of work has gone into making the background email checker robust. However, on rare occasions, something about the thread dies and you'll find no more email checking occurs. The solution at this time is to simply restart him. This can be done in chat easily:


Why is Basil not responding in private chat?

Sometimes, when pinging Basil in private chat after not talking to him in a while, he'll be unresponsive for the first 3-5 attempts; eventually, he wakes up.

I'm not sure if this is DBus on my server or a problem with the Skype integration gem. Either way, I have no real solution. Debug logging shows the messages aren't being reported in the Skype API, so there's not much I can do.

Why is Basil not reporting Jira tickets?

Basil has a timeout where he won't report links for mentioned Jira tickets multiple times within a given window. This is to prevent a conversation about a specific ticket from causing a lot of Basil-noise. The window is implemented Basil-wide and is not chat-specific. This means that if someone mentions a ticket in chat A, then you mention it again in chat B, Basil will not provide ticket info in your chat.


Bundle install is not working, why?

First of all, never use sudo. Bundler will escalate privileges itself if installing gems requires that. That said, it's often preferable to keep the basil installation user-specific.

See if the following installation steps work for you:

$ export GEM_HOME=$HOME/.gem
$ export PATH=$HOME/.gem/ruby/1.9.3/bin:$PATH
$ gem install bundler
$ hash -r
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec bin/basil --cli

If this method works, you can put the export lines into your shell rc file. Note that this also means any other gems you install will also go into this user-specific directory.

What's this undefined method gsub about?

If, when starting basil, you get:

undefined method `gsub' for nil:NilClass

You probably have a problem with the DISPLAY environment variable which the dbus-based skype integration requires. See Issue #7 for more details.

How about uninitialized constant Net::IMAP::VERIFY_PEER?

If you get something like:

ERROR email: Caught NameError: uninitialized constant Net::IMAP::VERIFY_PEER

It probably means your ruby installation is not correctly linked to your openssl installation. As a quick workaround, add the verify: false key to your email configuration block. This should fix it, with the downside that you're no longer verifying the SSL certificate when checking email.

To actually fix the problem, you might try the instructions here. Note that I'm not sure if these work, the only person who's reported this problem has decided to just disable verification.

How do I allow Skype API access on a headless server?

Running Basil and Skype on a headless server can be done using Xvfb. However, you will need to accept the API access request via GUI somehow. Please look into ssh X11 forwarding, this can be setup temporarily to accept the API request then Xvfb can be used thereafter.

Can I update basil from chat?

Why yes! There is now a git plugin which can show current revision and pull from origin. Once updated, you can tell basil to restart with the fresh code.

!git show
!git pull