Qpid PMDA is a free, open source, PCP Performance Metrics Domain Agent for Apache Qpid. It exposes performance metrics from Qpid message brokers via QMF, to Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) using the PMDA++ library.
PCP | libpcp | | pmdaqpid-qmf1 | QMF1 | Qpid
Monitoring |-------------| PMDA++ |---------------+------| Messaging
Infrastructure | libpcp_pmda | | pmdaqpid-qmf2 | QMF2 | Infrastructure
- Boost C++ Libraries 1.32+
- PMDA++ 0.4.0+
- Apache Qpid
- Install the pre-requisites - Boost, Apache Qpid, PMDA++.
mkdir build && cd build
cmake <path-to-code> && make && sudo make install
cd `pmconfig PCP_PMDAS_DIR | cut -b15-`/qpid && ./Install
Alternatively, use rpmbuild.
Issues / suggestions can be reported via GitHub's issue tracker (pull requests are very welcome).
The PMDA++ Google Group is also used for general discussion, questions, comments, suggestions, etc for this project. Email [email protected] to subscribe.
Available under the Apache License, Version 2.0.