Clone this repository and then:
$ cd pyrnatools/
$ python setup.py install --user
This will install the scripts in the pyrnatools/scripts directory. For more information on the individual scripts, use the --help command after each script.
##Core Pipeline
- pyrna_align.py -> Wrapper for FASTQC, cutadapt and tophat2 sequence aligner
- pyrna_count.py -> Wrapper for Htseq-count and gfold-count
- pyrna_diff.py -> Wrapper for deseq2/gfold differential expression analysis
- pyrna_ucsc.py -> Converts bam file to UCSC formatted bigWig
##Additional Tools
- pyrna_pair_tools.py -> Infers sample orientation and calculates insert size for paired end RNA-seq data
- pyrna_denovo.py -> Cufflinks wrapper for denovo assembly
- pyrna_download.py -> Tool for downloading samples from GEO