Drawbot will be using the raspberry pi to control a robot to draw doodles.
You can try a demo of the app here
refer to link
Drawbot will use a raspberry pi running nodejs providing a web application to draw with and control a bot. The raspberry pi will control a 2 wheeled bot using the pigpio library.
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs
$ sudo apt-get install npm
$ git clone https://github.com/pdx-robotics/drawbot.git
$ cd drawbot
$ npm install
$ npm install body-parser
On the raspberry pi navigate to the drawbot directory and execute the node server as root
$ sudo node app.js
To connect the raspeberry pi you need your client machine to be on the same network. Open a web browser on the client, enter the ip address of the Raspberry pi, followed by ':' and the port number it's listening on. The web app should run from there.