Create two versions of a function called range which takes two numbers x and y and returns an array filled with all numbers from x (inclusive) to y (exclusive)
Create two versions of a function called sum which takes a list of numbers and returns a sum of them
Given a list of the following major Houses of Westeros and their respective mottos:
var houses = [
{ name: "Targaryen", motto: "Fire and Blood" },
{ name: "Stark", motto: "Winter is Coming" },
{ name: "Bolton", motto: "Our Blades Are Sharp" },
{ name: "Greyjoy", motto: "We Do Not Sow" },
{ name: "Tully", motto: "Family, Duty, Honor" },
{ name: "Arryn", motto: "As High as Honor" },
{ name: "Lannister", motto: "Hear Me Roar!" },
{ name: "Tyrell", motto: "Growing Strong" },
{ name: "Baratheon", motto: "Ours is the Fury" },
{ name: "Martell", motto: "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken" },
Write two versions of a function that, when passed the name of a House, returns its motto.
a) Do not use any ES6 methods
b) Use a suitable ES6 method
motto("Tyrell") // returns "Growing strong"
Create a function which takes an array and returns an array with all duplicates removed.
// apparently there is an even shorter way to do this that I found in Karolis repo
// basically object Set stores unique values.
// Set takes an iterable object and spread operator sets back into array
const removeDuplicates = (array) => {
return [ Set(array)];
Create a function wordSearch(w) that searches to see whether a word w is present in the given text variable. Please note it has to be a full word and case insensitive.
Write a function which takes a number x and returns a function, which takes another number y and returns the sum of numbers x and y
Write a function sevenAte9 that removes each 9 that it is in between 7s.
sevenAte9("79712312"); // returns '7712312'
sevenAte9("79797"); // returns '777'
Create a simple function wrapper that will log every call to the wrapped function.
var spied = spy(myFunction);
var report =; // returns { totalCalls: 1 }
Given an array with nested arrays of numbers (ex.: [10, 6, [4, 8], 3, [6, 5, [9]]]
) create a function that would sum all numbers from provided array.
Create two versions of a calculator module:
a) Do not use any ES6 functionality
b) Use a ES6 class
Calculator should have four methods: add, subtract, multiply and divide. All of calculator methods should be chainable.
var calc = new Calculator(0);
amount = calc.add(5).multiply(2).add(20).divide(3); //should return 10
Write the definition of the function "say" in such way that calling this:
say("Hello,")("it’s me"); //Would return "Hello, it’s me";