Create your form dynamically and share your form to people
First of all, you need to clone the project to your local machine
git clone
cd angular-form-builder
A step by step series of building that project
- Restore the project 🔨
dotnet restore
Change connection string of Database (Project: FormBuilder.API, File: appsettings.Development.json, Line: 3)
(Optinal) If you want to use change Database Provider to MS SQL, MySQL etc... You can change on FormBuilder.Repository/Extensions/DIExtensions.cs File (Line: 28)
//For Microsoft SQL Server
services.AddDbContext<FormBuilderDbContext>(options =>
builder => builder.MigrationsAssembly("FormBuilder.API"));
3.1 Delete Migrations Folder
3.2 Create New Migrations for SQL Server or another DB Providers
dotnet ef migrations add InitDb
- Run EF Core Migrations
dotnet ef database update
- Change Client Url and API Url in Client App (Project: FormBuilder.Web, File: wwwroot/js/demo.js, Line 2-3)
var baseUrl = 'http://localhost:51468/';
var baseApiUrl = 'http://localhost:50730/api/v1';
- Run the project and Enjoy! 💣
dotnet run
You can try it on Angular App 🔫
- .NET Core 2.0
- Entitiy Framework Core - .NET ORM Tool
- NpgSQL for EF Core - PostgreSQL extension for EF
- Angular 1.6 - Web Client Javascript Library
- If you want to contribute to codes, create pull request
- If you find any bugs or error, create an issue