This is a collection of the NOMAD parsers for the following codes:
This plug-in parses simulation output from a Vadere simulation (*.scenario, postvis.traj) into a dictionary. In addition, it computes macroscopic quantities from the microscopic data:
This plug-in provides a NOMAD parser, a NOMAD schema and normalizing functionalities. If you are not familiar with these concepts, please read our overview of NOMAD concepts.
NOMAD provides several plug-ins for "computational data" that are data produced by simulators.
This plug-in is based on the plug-in nomad-schema-plugin-run
The source code of this plug-in is publicly available on github
and under the Python package registry.
This plug-in was tested with Python3.9.
To test the plug-in you need to install the Python package nomad-lab
. The plug-in nomad-schema-plugin-run
requires a
nomad-lab version that is not published under the Python package index registry (see the issue
We recommend the following steps to avoid dependency conflicts:
- Create a virtual Python3.9 environment and activate it:
python3.9 -m venv myvirtualenv
source myvirtualenv/bin/activate
- Install
using NOMAD's internal registry:
pip install
- Install the plug-in
pip install nomad-schema-plugin-run
Note: the automatic dependency handling (step 3) would try to install nomad-lab over the Python package registry. Because the required nomad-lab version is not published under the Python package registry the dependency handling fails. We prevent from this by manually installing nomad-lab in step 2.
After your system setup simply run the *.py tests in tests directory. Please also see the documentation.
Please follow the instructions from:
The setup instructions seems to be constantly changing.
I used the option with the derived Docker image. Setup an oasis without plug-ins (detailed information can be found in the documentation-1):
Download the
cd nomad-oasis
sudo chown -R 1000 .volumes
docker compose pull
Create the derived Docker image. Copy the following content into an empty Dockerfile (textfile named "Dockerfile")
# Switch to root user to install packages to the system with pip
USER root
# for installing a python repo from github
RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install git
RUN pip install --upgrade pip
# installs nomad version 1.3.6 - which is required by the nomad-schema-plugin-run depencency.
# Automatic dependency resolving is not working!
# REPLACE the following line as soon as a stable nomad version is available
RUN pip install
# Install your plugin here, e.g.:
RUN pip install git+
# Remember to switch back to the 'nomad' user
USER nomad
Replace the Docker image "" by the derived image in nomad-oasis/docker-compose.yaml:
restart: unless-stopped
image: nomad-with-plugins
restart: unless-stopped
image: nomad-with-plugins
restart: unless-stopped
image: nomad-with-plugins
Start the oasis
docker compose up -d
Open http://localhost/nomad-oasis in your browser.
One can upload a single simulation run or a collection of simulation runs. This repository contains *.zip-files for testing both functionalities:
The following snapshot was taken after uploading the two archives to an empty oasis: