Robot tank design printed on a 3D printer, controlled via access point and incorporated Web page, using an ESP8266, an H bridge with two batteries, one with 3 18650 batteries to power the H bridge and the four generic motors, and the other with 3v for the ESP8266
Project developed using an ESP8266, Arduino IDE and a device capable of connecting to Wifi and viewing Web pages (Computer/Smartphone)
Robot tank design printed on a 3D printer, controlled via access point and incorporated Web page, using an ESP8266, an H bridge with two batteries, one with 3 18650 batteries to power the H bridge and the four generic motors, and the other with 3v for the ESP8266, its purpose was to walk on the street, or at home as a spy, however as it makes some noise, its purpose became accessing and filming difficult to access sites. It is all done in the 3d printer, made with a model of Thingerverse the tank is able to travel outdoors at great speed, due to the battery consisting of three 18650. The Project has WiFi and own dashboard
-> Print 3D PARTS
-> Build the Robot
-> Install Arduino IDE
-> Configure your Arduino IDE to ESP8266
-> Choose the correct COM port
-> Upload the code to ESP82666
-> Press middle button to stop and receive new direction
-> Press front button to drive to front
-> Press back button to drive to rear
-> Press left button to rotate left
-> Press right button to rotate right
Note: If you press the same button several times, it will move in the same direction, faster.
Add a laser or LEDs, a Go Pro, or a shooter