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geomcover is a Python package built to simplify constructing geometric set covers over a variety of geometric objects, such as metric graphs and manifolds. Such covers can be used for simplifying surfaces, constructing fiber bundles, or summarizing point cloud data. The package includes functions for approximating the the set cover problem (SCP), for constructing tangent bundles from range spaces, and for computing statistics on tangent spaces (e.g. average alignment of tangent vectors).

Set Cover solvers

Though primarily intended to work with geometric inputs (e.g. point cloud data), geomcover can also be used as an interface to aa variety of solvers for the [weighted] set cover problem (SCP), which are summarized below:

Algorithm Scalability Approx. Quality Dependencies Solvers
Greedy Very large n Medium Numpy Direct
Randomized Rounding (LP) Large n High SciPy linprog
ILP Method Medium n Optimal1 SciPy (or ortools) milp (or MPSolver)
SAT Solver Small n Optimal2 pysat RC2

Usage is as follows:

from geomcover.cover import set_cover

cover, cover_weight = set_cover(subsets, method = "ILP", ...)

For more example, see the API docs. The package also exports useful auxiliary algorithms often used for preprocessing, such as principle component analysis, classical multidimensional scaling, and mean shift.


The package is a pure Python package, which for now needs to be built from source, e.g.:

python -m pip install git+

A PYPI distribution is planned.

Usage and Docs

For some example usage, see the notebooks directory, or examples in the API docs.


  1. The integer-linear program (ILP) by default uses SciPy's port of the the HiGHs solver, which typically finds the global optimum of moderately challenging problems; alternatively, any solver supported by OR-Tools MPSolver can be used if the ortools package is installed.

  2. The SAT solver used here is a weighted MaxSAT solver, which starts with an approximation solution and then incrementally exhausts the solution space until the optimal solution. While it is the slowest method, the starting approximation has the tightest approximation factor of all the methods listed.