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Initial cut of python version of off-line model reports
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operdeck committed Oct 2, 2023
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16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions pega-datascientist-tools.Rproj
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261 changes: 261 additions & 0 deletions python/pdstools/reports/ModelReport.qmd
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title: "ADM Standalone Model Report"
title-block-banner: true
author: "Pega data scientist tools"
date: today
subtitle: >
Details of the binning of all the predictors used
echo: false
code-fold: true
embed-resources: true
standalone: true
code-tools: true
toc: true
toc-title: Table of Contents
light: flatly
dark: darkly
jupyter: python3

from pdstools import datasets, ADMDatamart
import polars as pl
from IPython.display import display, Markdown
import os.path

#| tags: [parameters]
# These parameters are overwritten when called externally
datafolder = os.path.expanduser("~/Downloads/tmp/")
modelfilename = ""
predictorfilename = ""
#model_id = "bd70a915-697a-5d43-ab2c-53b0557c85a0" # sample
model_id = "99ba769f-1e22-5f26-a7a2-96777b957190"
predictordetails_activeonly = True

# Predictor data for one model ID
if datafolder == "":
datamart = datasets.CDHSample()
datamart = ADMDatamart(datafolder, model_filename=modelfilename, predictor_filename=predictorfilename)
datamart.modelData = datamart.modelData.filter(pl.col("ModelID") == model_id)
predictorBinning = datamart.predictorData.filter(pl.col("ModelID") == model_id)
# TODO ensure this is only one snapshot, just in case
# Model: {model_id}

fig = datamart.plotScoreDistribution(modelids = [model_id])
name ="Name")).unique().collect().item()
# Customize some of the default styling of the plot
# TODO except for title consider moving into library
# TODO make the fly-over better
fig.update_layout(title=f"Classifier Score Distribution<br>{name}", xaxis_title="")[0].opacity=0.5[1].line.color="#EF8B08"[1].line.width=3[1].marker.color="black"

::: {.callout-tip}
The [Plotly]( charts have [user controls for panning,
zooming etc]( but
note that these interactive plots do not render well in portals like Sharepoint
or Box. It is preferable to view them from a browser.

## Model Performance

auc_roc = round(datamart.modelData.filter(pl.col('ModelID')==model_id).select('Performance').collect().to_series(0).tail(1).item(), 4)
The model performance is {auc_roc} measured as AUC-ROC. This number is calculated from the “active” bins of the Classifier.

The classifier is used to map the model scores (average of the log odds of the active predictors) to a propensity value.

The “active” bins are the ones that can be reached from the current binning of the active predictors.

See the [ADM Explained]( article for more information on how ADM exactly works.

## Score Distribution

The Score Distribution shows the volume and average propensity in every bin of
the score ranges of the Classifier.

::: {.callout-note title="TODO"}
See if we can make this plot look a little nicer, see styles and labels from the R markdown version

Propensity is defined as $\frac{positives}{positives+negatives}$ per bin.
The adjusted propensity that is returned is a small modification (*Laplace
smoothing*) to this and calculated as
$\frac{0.5+positives}{1+positives+negatives}$ so new models initially return a
propensity of 0.5. This helps to address the cold start when introducing new

::: {.callout-note title="TODO"}
show classifier bins as a nice table

See quarto's tables which are much nicer than panda

## Cumulative Gains and Lift charts

Below are alternative ways to view the Classifier.

The Cumulative Gains chart shows the percentage of he overall cases in the "positive" category gained by targeting a percentage of the total number of cases. For example, this view shows how large a percentage of the total expected responders you target by targeting only the top decile.

The Lift chart is derived from this and shows the ratio of the cumulative gain and the targeted volume.

TODO get both plots in

# Trend charts

TODO using model datamart show trend of auc, responses, ctr, maybe all in
one with tabs

# Performance by Predictor Category

Showing the performance across all predictors. The predictor categories default
to the text before the first dot. This can be customized when reading the data
for a particular customer.

TODO add plot of overall predictor category performance

# Predictor Overview

The predictors for this model are sorted by performance and grouped if they are
correlated (shown with an indentation and a lighter color).

The negatives and positives counts are usually the same across all the
predictors but will be different when predictors have been removed or added. IH
predictors often have slightly lower counts.

For Adaptive Gradient Boosting models ("AGB") the number of positives and
negatives is not available.

TODO show table with all the predictors and key properties - should match with the properties we show in the predictor sections, incl missing % etc

# TODO this assumes we have the latest snapshot, see above
if predictordetails_activeonly:
predictors = predictorBinning.filter(pl.col("EntryType") == "Active").select(
predictors = predictorBinning.filter(pl.col("EntryType") != "Classifier").select(

# Binning of the Predictors

The predictors are listed in the same order as in the summary above.

Here we show **{'only the active' if predictordetails_activeonly else 'all'}**
predictors. This can be configured via a parameter to this report.

TODO make the binning plot a little nicer, now the blue bars are too prominent, see the R version. Also reconsider title, etc. Add the alternative view (the red/green bars). Add a table with the binning below. See if we can format the info a bit more compact, like in the R markdown version.

TODO If there are two plots perhaps we can align them with layout-ncol, see

#| output: asis
def get_predictor_property_value(pred, prop):
return (
predictorBinning.filter(pl.col("PredictorName") == pred)
def show_single_predictor(pred):
display(Markdown(f"## {pred}"))
display(Markdown("|Predictor property|Value|"))
display(Markdown(f"| Univariate Performance (AUC) | {round(get_predictor_property_value(pred, 'Performance'),4)} |"))
display(Markdown(f"| Status | {get_predictor_property_value(pred, 'EntryType')} |"))
display(Markdown(f"| Total Responses | {get_predictor_property_value(pred, 'ResponseCount')} |"))
display(Markdown(f"| Total Positives | {get_predictor_property_value(pred, 'Positives')} |"))
display(Markdown(f"| Base Propensity | {get_predictor_property_value(pred, 'Positives')/get_predictor_property_value(pred, 'ResponseCount'):.4%} |"))
# TODO figure out how to calculate these easily
display(Markdown(f"| Percentage Missing values | TODO |"))
display(Markdown(f"| Percentage Residual values | TODO |"))
# TODO predictor groups missing
display(Markdown(f"| Predictor Group | TODO |"))
display(Markdown(f"| Correlated Predictors | TODO |"))
display(Markdown(": A Great Predictor {.striped .hover}"))
# In the R version I managed to use a table to format it so
# the description is on the left, the plots on the right. With
# quarto I couldnt figure out, so the plots are seperate. Also
# the width/height of the figures doesnt seem changeable,
# show(width=20, height=10) has no effect
fig = datamart.plotPredictorBinning(modelids=[model_id], predictors=[pred])
# Customize some of the default styling of the plot
# TODO except for title consider moving into library
# TODO make the fly-over better
fig.update_layout(title=pred, xaxis_title="")[0].opacity=0.5[1].line.color="#EF8B08"[1].line.width=3[1].marker.color="black"
for pred in predictors.collect().to_series(0):

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