A Google Chrome extension for enabling syntax highlighting in Google Talk.
Available in the Chrome Web Store.
Chat with someone. Select "Text" or "Code" to use syntax highlighting.
Visit chrome://chrome/extensions/ and click GTalkSyntax options to enable data collection, at either the official or your own custom server. This bit is still under construction.
- Intelligent code detection, using Baysian classification to automatically highlight chat messages.
- Intelligent language detection (via highlight.js), to correctly highlight languages
- Backtick parsing for manual highlighting control
- (opt-in) live data collection, for better machine learning. Powered by NodeJS. (source)
- Clone repository:
hub clone pehrlich/GTalkSyntax
- In chrome, navigate to chrome://chrome/extensions/. Select repository with "Load unpacked extension".
- Compile assets with
coffee -wc ./javascripts/*.coffee ./javascripts/**/*.coffee
andsass -w stylesheets/*.scss
Server-side repository here: https://github.com/pehrlich/BaysianServer
Contact @ehrlicp on twitter.
real value features baysian classifier