A project aiming to create a new weekly mail generator for helping me as a publicist.
I wanted to create a simple generator for weekly mails which I'll send weekly for the members of our guild. The result is this project, written in Javascript (Deno) + PostgreSQL. These were chosen because they're used in the current Web Software Development -course setup, so perhaps making improvements won't be that hard for future publicists.
There can be one user account (this can be changed in controllers/registration.js), who has access to weekly mails and bulletins.
This was my first even somewhat real web-related project, so code isn't beautiful. But hey, it works.
Bulletins include their Finnish and English name (subject), date and description in Finnish and English. They can also include the day signup starts and ends. If the bulletin is only Finnish or English, just write "-" to the textarea. The bulletin won't be added to the weekly mail with the given language.
The date for mail is the date mail will be sent. After creation, a Finnish and an English version will be created. One can add bulletins to mail by adding them by ID which is shown in the bulletin info (or at /bulletins).
1.) Install docker and docker-compose.
2.) Clone the project into the wanted directory.
3.) Edit the database credentials found in database/communication.js.
4.) Open a terminal session and go to the directory of the project. Launch the application with following command:
docker-compose up
5.) The application can found at http://your-ip:7777
- Registration can be found at http://your-ip:7777/register
- Weekly mails can be found at http://your-ip:7777/dashboard
- Bulletins can be found at http://your-ip:7777/bulletins
Application itself:
- GUI:
- Layout
- Testing
- Cleaning and imporving the code
- GUI:
- Improve functions used for mail exportation
- Create links for subjects found in the version which will be uploaded to web site
- Categories are not hardcoded (bulletins.js & bulletindata.eta) (create a list of valid categories and check if the item is not included in)
- Organizing or filtering bulletins for given category
- Languages (Finnish and English) wouldn't be that hardcoded