Spell words with a phone number. This library contains word lists and functions necessary to efficiently find words hidden within phone numbers so you can more easily remember them. This project was inspired when we got a new conference bridge system at work, and I have to remember a six-digit conference line now instead of the old one-digit line.
This package is hosted on packagist installable via Composer.
- PHP version 7.1 or greater (7.2+ recommended)
- Composer (for installation)
Run the following at the command line in your repo:
composer require pendenga/phonespell
Or add the following lines to your composer.json file...
"require": {
"pendenga/phonespell": "0.1.0",
and run the following command:
$ composer update
This will set the Pendenga PhoneSpell as a dependency in your project and install it.
When bootstrapping your application, you will need to require 'vendor/autoload.php'
in order to setup autoloading.
use Pendenga\PhoneSpell\Dictionary;
use Pendenga\PhoneSpell\PhoneSpell;
use Pendenga\PhoneSpell\WordListFactory;
use Psr\Log\NullLogger;
$logger = new NullLogger();
$wlf = WordListFactory::instance(Dictionary::instance($logger), $logger);
$results = PhoneSpell::instance($wlf, $logger)->lookForAllWords('593563');
print "Top 10 Results: \n";
print_r(array_slice($results, 0, 10));