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Coursera - Getting and Cleaning Data - Course project


The goal is to prepare tidy data that can be used for later analysis

The data originating from requires some pre-precessing before it can be considred tidy and ready for easy use. The exercise as describe by the following 5 steps is to perfrom the following tidy the data set and produce a specific subset

  1. Merges the training and the test sets to create one data set.
  2. Extracts only the measurements on the mean and standard deviation for each measurement.
  3. Uses descriptive activity names to name the activities in the data set
  4. Appropriately labels the data set with descriptive variable names.
  5. From the data set in step 4, creates a second, independent tidy data set with the average of each variable for each activity and each subject.

The Data

The data is disjoint and exist in multiple files, as described by the following file structure

  • UCI HAR Dataset (Root directory)
    • activity_labels.txt (Map between numbered ids and their respective activity labels)
    • features.txt (Map between numbered ids and their respective feature name)
    • test (Test obeservation results)
      • Inertial Signals/ (Directory with raw data files)
      • subject_test.txt (The number of the subject for each of the observation)
      • X_test.txt (561 derived variables(columns) monitored. each line is one observation)
      • y_test.txt (the type of each of the observations)
    • train (Train observation results)
      • Inertial Signals/ (Directory with raw data files)
      • subject_test.txt (The number of the subject for each of the observation)
      • X_test.txt (561 derived variables(columns) monitored. each line is one observation)
      • y_test.txt (the type of each of the observations)

Beside being disjoint, exiting in multiple files and split to test and training there is not much else that is fudenentaly wrong.


The analysis is composed of these steps

  • Read the feature and activity labels (only the label column)
57: activity <- read.table("./UCI HAR Dataset/activity_labels.txt", colClasses = c("NULL", "character"))[,1]
58: feature  <- read.table("./UCI HAR Dataset/features.txt",        colClasses = c("NULL", "character"))[,1]
  • Identify the columns containing std() or mean() string
61: feature.cols <- grep("(mean|std)\\()", feature)
  • Use the construct fucntion to build a data.frame for each of the data sets (train and test) from its 3 disjoint parts (files X_<type>.txt, Y_<type>.txt, subject_<type>.txt), and merge the two resulting data.table
68: merged <- rbind(construct("train"), construct("test"))
  • use aggregate to group all rows by subject and activity with a mean() as summary function. yielding the average for each variable per activity and subject.
71: per.activity.subject <- aggregate(merged[c('type', col.names)], 
72:                                   list(activity=merged$activity, subject=merged$subject),
73:                                   function(x) { ifelse (class(x) == 'character', x, mean(x))  })

The function in aggregate is intended to avoid averaging the type column(values: train or test) which is of character class.

The construct function

The construct function capitalize on the fact that the two separated datasets for train and test share the same directory structure as well as file naming, and thusly both dataset can enjoy the same processing. The function recives a type, either train or test and read the 3 different data sources (observations, activity ids, subjct ids).

42:  obs <- read.table(file.path("./UCI HAR Dataset", type, paste0("X_", type, ".txt")), colClasses = col.class)
43:  act <- read.table(file.path("./UCI HAR Dataset", type, paste0("Y_", type, ".txt")))
44:  sbj <- read.table(file.path("./UCI HAR Dataset", type, paste0("subject_", type, ".txt")))

The observation file X_<type>.txt has a colClasses sepcified to restrict reading feature.cols only. using the already generated col.class mask

62: col.class    <- sapply(seq_along(feature), function(index) { ifelse(index %in% feature.cols, "numeric", "NULL")} )

The resulting data.frame columns are composed of all mean() and std() variables collection + the following 3 columns

47:  obs["subject"]  <- sbj   # Subject ID previous read from subject_<type>.txt file
48:  obs["activity"] <- sapply(act$V1, function( { tolower(activity[]) })  # Activity label, conjecture of activity_label.txt file and Y_<type>.txt file
49:  obs["type"]     <- type  # The type (train or test),  recieved argument

Variable names transformation

I personally find the variable naming convention quite adquat being both concise and predictable, and no major changes takes place except for the removal of the parethensis which I find peculiar in a column name, and the obvious typo of repeating Body twice in several Body related variables.

65: col.names <- gsub("BodyBody", "Body", gsub("\\()", "", col.names))

Running the script


The script relies on external script common.R to download the external data and unzip it.

17: source('common.R') # Common external data retrival file
18: getFile("",
19:         ".",
20:        "",
21:        unzip = TRUE)

If you already have UCI HAR Dataset directory and all related files, in the current getwd() directory than you don't need it and can remove this part of the code.

How to run

Just sourcing the script either via the source function or cutting and paste the relevant code should do the trick providing that all dependencies exist.


The script will create in local directory a tidy.txt file as requested by the 5th point of the assingment


  • The order of the instructions was deemed unimportant and was not strictly followed. efficiency and goal trump blind obidence :) especailly when the grading rubricks do not require it.
  • The assignement clearly asked for standard deviation and mean of each of the variables, meanFreqs and other variables containing mean in them are ignored.


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