Organize your scientific publications with BibTeX in Pelican
Author of this fork: Emmanuel Fleury (perror) Original Author: Vlad Niculae (vene,
Note: This code is unlicensed. It was not submitted to the pelican-plugins
official repository because of the license constraint imposed there.
- Aug 3, 2013 (Vlad Niculae): Initial release of the pelican plugin.
- Jul 21, 2014 (Emmanuel Fleury): Added a few features and releasing version 0.3.
requires pybtex
pip install pybtex
This plugin reads a user-specified BibTeX file and populates the context with a list of publications, ready to be used in your Jinja2 template.
Configuration is simply:
PUBLICATIONS_SRC = 'content/pubs.bib'
If the file is present and readable, you will be able to find the publications
variable in all templates. It is a list of dictionary with the following keys:
{bibtex, doi, entry, key, pdf, poster, slides, text, url, year}
is the type of BibTeX entry is comes out as a couple with(rank, label)
is the BibTeX key (identifier) of the entry.year
is the year when the entry was published. Useful for grouping by year in templates using Jinja'sgroupby
is the HTML formatted entry, generated bypybtex
is a string containing BibTeX code for the entry, useful to make it available to people who want to cite your work.doi
is the DOI identification number.url
is the URL where to get the material or where to contact the publisher to get it.pdf
are special fields added to regular BibTeX fields to point to your publication work, for example:
pdf = {/papers/foo13.pdf},
slides = {/slides/foo13.html}
This plugin will take all defined fields and make them available in the template.
If a field is not defined, the tuple field will be None
. Furthermore, the
fields are stripped from the generated BibTeX (found in the bibtex
You probably want to define a 'publications.html' direct template.
Don't forget to add it to the DIRECT\_TEMPLATES
configuration key.
Note that we are escaping the BibTeX string twice in order to properly
display it.
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block title %}Publications{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<section id="content" class="body">
<div class="container">
{% for group in publications|groupby('entry') %}
<h2>{{ group.grouper[1] }}</h2>
{% for publication in group.list|sort(attribute='year')|reverse %}
<li id="{{ publication.key }}">{{ publication.text }}
{% for label, target in [('PDF', publication.pdf), ('Slides', publication.slides), ('Poster', publication.poster)] %}
{{ "[<a href=\"publications/%s\">%s</a>]" % (target, label) if target }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
A relatively simple but possibly useful extension is to make it possible to write internal links in Pelican pages and blog posts that would point to the corresponding paper in the Publications page.
A slightly more complicated idea is to support general referencing in articles and pages, by having some BibTeX entries local to the page, and rendering the bibliography at the end of the article, with anchor links pointing to the right place.