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divide leftover correctly + adjust tests
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kruspy committed Apr 9, 2024
1 parent 0328044 commit e48cd0b
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Showing 3 changed files with 132 additions and 81 deletions.
103 changes: 67 additions & 36 deletions x/liquidstake/keeper/liquidstake.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -547,24 +547,27 @@ func (k Keeper) LSMDelegate(

// LiquidDelegate delegates staking amount to active validators by proxy account.
func (k Keeper) LiquidDelegate(ctx sdk.Context, proxyAcc sdk.AccAddress, activeVals types.ActiveLiquidValidators, stakingAmt math.Int, whitelistedValsMap types.WhitelistedValsMap) (err error) {
// crumb may occur due to a decimal point error in dividing the staking amount into the weight of liquid validators
// it is added to the first active liquid validator
weightedAmt, crumb := k.DivideByWeight(ctx, activeVals, stakingAmt, whitelistedValsMap)
if len(weightedAmt) == 0 {
func (k Keeper) LiquidDelegate(
ctx sdk.Context,
proxyAcc sdk.AccAddress,
activeVals types.ActiveLiquidValidators,
stakingAmt math.Int,
whitelistedValsMap types.WhitelistedValsMap,
) (err error) {
delegations := k.DivideByWeight(ctx, activeVals, stakingAmt, whitelistedValsMap)
if len(delegations) == 0 {
return types.ErrInvalidActiveLiquidValidators
weightedAmt[0] = weightedAmt[0].Add(crumb)
for i, val := range activeVals {
if !weightedAmt[i].IsPositive() {
validator, _ := k.stakingKeeper.GetValidator(ctx, val.GetOperator())
err = k.DelegateWithCap(ctx, proxyAcc, validator, weightedAmt[i])

for valStrAddr, delegationAmt := range delegations {
valAddr, _ := sdk.ValAddressFromBech32(valStrAddr)
validator, _ := k.stakingKeeper.GetValidator(ctx, valAddr)
err = k.DelegateWithCap(ctx, proxyAcc, validator, delegationAmt)
if err != nil {
return err

return nil

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -720,52 +723,80 @@ func (k Keeper) LiquidUnbond(
return completionTime, returnAmount, ubd, nil

// DivideByWeight divide the input value by the ratio of the param weight of the liquid validator and return it with crumb
// which is may occur while dividing according to the weight of active liquid validators by decimal error.
// DivideByWeight divide the input amount to delegate between the active validators, specifically checking if they have
// room to receive more liquid delegations. The leftover that might be left is divided across all validators that can
// receive it.
func (k Keeper) DivideByWeight(
ctx sdk.Context,
avs types.ActiveLiquidValidators,
input math.Int,
totalInput math.Int,
whitelistedValsMap types.WhitelistedValsMap,
) (outputs []math.Int, crumb math.Int) {
) map[string]math.Int {
totalWeight := avs.TotalWeight(whitelistedValsMap)
if !totalWeight.IsPositive() {
return []math.Int{}, sdk.ZeroInt()
return map[string]math.Int{}

totalOutput := sdk.ZeroInt()
unitInput := math.LegacyNewDecFromInt(input).QuoTruncate(math.LegacyNewDecFromInt(totalWeight))
totalDelegation := sdk.ZeroInt()
delegations := make(map[string]math.Int)
inputPerValidator := math.LegacyNewDecFromInt(totalInput).QuoTruncate(math.LegacyNewDecFromInt(totalWeight))

// loop through all validators and check if the amount of shares they would receive is within the validator specific caps
for _, val := range avs {
validator, _ := k.stakingKeeper.GetValidator(ctx, val.GetOperator())

// calculate the shares the input would receive
output := unitInput.MulInt(val.GetWeight(whitelistedValsMap, true)).TruncateInt()
outputShares := validator.GetDelegatorShares().MulInt(output).QuoInt(validator.GetTokens())
delegation := inputPerValidator.MulInt(val.GetWeight(whitelistedValsMap, true)).TruncateInt()
if !delegation.IsPositive() { // continue if the delegation is 0
delegationShares := validator.GetDelegatorShares().MulInt(delegation).QuoInt(validator.GetTokens())

// just delegate if the validator does not exceed any of the validator specific caps
if !k.stakingKeeper.CheckExceedsValidatorBondCap(ctx, validator, outputShares) &&
!k.stakingKeeper.CheckExceedsValidatorLiquidStakingCap(ctx, validator, outputShares, false) {
totalOutput = totalOutput.Add(output)
outputs = append(outputs, output)
if !k.stakingKeeper.CheckExceedsValidatorBondCap(ctx, validator, delegationShares) &&
!k.stakingKeeper.CheckExceedsValidatorLiquidStakingCap(ctx, validator, delegationShares, false) {
totalDelegation = totalDelegation.Add(delegation)
delegations[val.GetOperator().String()] = delegation

if len(outputs) == 0 {
return []math.Int{}, sdk.ZeroInt()
if len(delegations) == 0 {
return map[string]math.Int{}

// redistribute crumb evenly to the other outputs if there is enough
numOutputs := sdk.NewInt(int64(len(outputs)))
totalCrumb := input.Sub(totalOutput)
crumbPerOutput := totalCrumb.Quo(numOutputs)
if totalCrumb.GTE(numOutputs) {
for i := range outputs {
totalOutput = totalOutput.Add(crumbPerOutput)
outputs[i] = outputs[i].Add(crumbPerOutput)
// the leftover amount that could not be delegated is divided across all validators
leftOver := totalInput.Sub(totalDelegation)
numValidators := math.NewInt(int64(len(delegations)))
for leftOver.IsPositive() {
diffPerValidator := leftOver.Quo(numValidators)
if leftOver.LT(numValidators) { // if the leftover is less than the number of validators to be delegated, just add it to the first one that can receive it
diffPerValidator = leftOver
for strAddr := range delegations {
// get the new delegation amount by adding the leftover to the existing delegation
newDelegationAmount := delegations[strAddr].Add(diffPerValidator)

// calculate the shares the input would receive
valAddr, _ := sdk.ValAddressFromBech32(strAddr)
validator, _ := k.stakingKeeper.GetValidator(ctx, valAddr)
delegationShares := validator.GetDelegatorShares().MulInt(newDelegationAmount).QuoInt(validator.GetTokens())

// if the validator can receive the leftover amount, update the map entry and add it to the total delegated amount
if !k.stakingKeeper.CheckExceedsValidatorBondCap(ctx, validator, delegationShares) &&
!k.stakingKeeper.CheckExceedsValidatorLiquidStakingCap(ctx, validator, delegationShares, false) {
totalDelegation = totalDelegation.Add(diffPerValidator)
delegations[strAddr] = newDelegationAmount

// recalculate the leftover amount after each pass
leftOver = totalInput.Sub(totalDelegation)
if leftOver.IsZero() {

return outputs, input.Sub(totalOutput)
return delegations

// PrioritiseInactiveLiquidValidators sorts LiquidValidators array to have inactive validators first. Used for the case when
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106 changes: 63 additions & 43 deletions x/liquidstake/keeper/liquidstake_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -100,11 +100,7 @@ func (s *KeeperTestSuite) TestLiquidStake() {
s.ctx, types.LiquidStakeProxyAcc, valOpers[2],
s.Require().Equal(proxyAccDel1.Shares, math.LegacyNewDec(16668))
s.Require().Equal(proxyAccDel2.Shares, math.LegacyNewDec(16666))
s.Require().Equal(proxyAccDel2.Shares, math.LegacyNewDec(16666))
s.Require().Equal(stakingAmt.ToLegacyDec(), proxyAccDel1.Shares.Add(proxyAccDel2.Shares).Add(proxyAccDel3.Shares))

liquidBondDenom := s.keeper.LiquidBondDenom(s.ctx)
balanceBeforeUBD :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -183,9 +179,7 @@ func (s *KeeperTestSuite) TestLiquidStake() {
s.ctx, types.LiquidStakeProxyAcc, valOpers[2],
s.Require().Equal(math.LegacyNewDec(13335), proxyAccDel1.Shares)
s.Require().Equal(math.LegacyNewDec(13333), proxyAccDel2.Shares)
s.Require().Equal(math.LegacyNewDec(13333), proxyAccDel3.Shares)
s.Require().Equal(stakingAmt.Sub(unbondingAmt).ToLegacyDec(), proxyAccDel1.Shares.Add(proxyAccDel2.Shares).Add(proxyAccDel3.Shares))

res = s.keeper.GetAllLiquidValidatorStates(s.ctx)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -422,7 +416,7 @@ func (s *KeeperTestSuite) TestShareInflation() {
s.keeper.SetParams(s.ctx, params)

initialStakingAmt := math.NewInt(1) // little amount
initialStakingAmt := math.NewInt(10) // little amount
initializingStakingAmt := math.NewInt(10000) // normal amount
attacker := s.delAddrs[0]
user := s.delAddrs[1]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -470,14 +464,13 @@ func (s *KeeperTestSuite) TestDivideByWeight() {
_, valOpers, _ := s.CreateValidators([]int64{2000000, 2000000, 2000000})

testCases := []struct {
name string
whitelistedVals []types.WhitelistedValidator
addStakingAmt math.Int
expectedOutputs []math.Int
expectedCrumb math.Int
name string
whitelistedVals []types.WhitelistedValidator
addStakingAmt math.Int
expectedDelegations map[string]math.Int
name: "Success with crumbs",
name: "Success with leftover less than delegations length",
whitelistedVals: []types.WhitelistedValidator{
ValidatorAddress: valOpers[0].String(),
Expand All @@ -492,12 +485,15 @@ func (s *KeeperTestSuite) TestDivideByWeight() {
TargetWeight: math.NewInt(1),
addStakingAmt: math.NewInt(100000),
expectedOutputs: []math.Int{math.NewInt(33333), math.NewInt(33333), math.NewInt(33333)},
expectedCrumb: math.NewInt(1),
addStakingAmt: math.NewInt(100000),
expectedDelegations: map[string]math.Int{
valOpers[0].String(): math.NewInt(33334),
valOpers[1].String(): math.NewInt(33333),
valOpers[2].String(): math.NewInt(33333),
name: "Success without crumb",
name: "Success without leftover",
whitelistedVals: []types.WhitelistedValidator{
ValidatorAddress: valOpers[0].String(),
Expand All @@ -512,12 +508,15 @@ func (s *KeeperTestSuite) TestDivideByWeight() {
TargetWeight: math.NewInt(1),
addStakingAmt: math.NewInt(100000),
expectedOutputs: []math.Int{math.NewInt(40000), math.NewInt(40000), math.NewInt(20000)},
expectedCrumb: math.NewInt(0),
addStakingAmt: math.NewInt(100000),
expectedDelegations: map[string]math.Int{
valOpers[0].String(): math.NewInt(40000),
valOpers[1].String(): math.NewInt(40000),
valOpers[2].String(): math.NewInt(20000),
name: "First validator reaches the cap, part of the crumb gets divided among validators",
name: "First validator reaches the cap, the leftover gets divided among validators",
whitelistedVals: []types.WhitelistedValidator{
ValidatorAddress: valOpers[0].String(),
Expand All @@ -532,12 +531,14 @@ func (s *KeeperTestSuite) TestDivideByWeight() {
TargetWeight: math.NewInt(1),
addStakingAmt: math.NewInt(2500003),
expectedOutputs: []math.Int{math.NewInt(1250001), math.NewInt(1250001)},
expectedCrumb: math.NewInt(1),
addStakingAmt: math.NewInt(2500003),
expectedDelegations: map[string]math.Int{
valOpers[1].String(): math.NewInt(1250002),
valOpers[2].String(): math.NewInt(1250001),
name: "First validator reaches the cap, all the crumb gets divided among validators",
name: "First validator reaches the cap, the leftover gets divided among validators evenly",
whitelistedVals: []types.WhitelistedValidator{
ValidatorAddress: valOpers[0].String(),
Expand All @@ -552,9 +553,11 @@ func (s *KeeperTestSuite) TestDivideByWeight() {
TargetWeight: math.NewInt(1),
addStakingAmt: math.NewInt(2500002),
expectedOutputs: []math.Int{math.NewInt(1250001), math.NewInt(1250001)},
expectedCrumb: math.NewInt(0),
addStakingAmt: math.NewInt(2500002),
expectedDelegations: map[string]math.Int{
valOpers[1].String(): math.NewInt(1250001),
valOpers[2].String(): math.NewInt(1250001),
name: "All validators reach the cap",
Expand All @@ -572,35 +575,52 @@ func (s *KeeperTestSuite) TestDivideByWeight() {
TargetWeight: math.NewInt(1),
addStakingAmt: math.NewInt(1000000000),
expectedOutputs: []math.Int{},
expectedCrumb: math.NewInt(0),
addStakingAmt: math.NewInt(1000000000),
expectedDelegations: map[string]math.Int{},
name: "Amount below minimum",
whitelistedVals: []types.WhitelistedValidator{
ValidatorAddress: valOpers[0].String(),
TargetWeight: math.NewInt(1),
ValidatorAddress: valOpers[1].String(),
TargetWeight: math.NewInt(1),
ValidatorAddress: valOpers[2].String(),
TargetWeight: math.NewInt(1),
addStakingAmt: math.NewInt(1),
expectedDelegations: map[string]math.Int{},

for _, tc := range testCases {
s.T().Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
require.IsType(t, []types.WhitelistedValidator{}, tc.whitelistedVals)
require.IsType(t, math.Int{}, tc.addStakingAmt)
require.IsType(t, math.Int{}, tc.expectedCrumb)
require.IsType(t, []math.Int{}, tc.expectedOutputs)
require.IsType(t, map[string]math.Int{}, tc.expectedDelegations)

totalTargetAmt := sdk.ZeroInt()
valsMap := types.GetWhitelistedValsMap(tc.whitelistedVals)
var activeVals types.ActiveLiquidValidators
for _, v := range tc.whitelistedVals {
activeVals = append(activeVals, types.LiquidValidator{
OperatorAddress: v.ValidatorAddress,
outputs, crumb := s.keeper.DivideByWeight(s.ctx, activeVals, tc.addStakingAmt, valsMap)
for _, v := range outputs {
totalTargetAmt = totalTargetAmt.Add(v)
delegations := s.keeper.DivideByWeight(s.ctx, activeVals, tc.addStakingAmt, valsMap)

require.EqualValues(t, tc.expectedDelegations, delegations)
totalDelegationAmount := sdk.ZeroInt()
for _, d := range delegations {
totalDelegationAmount = totalDelegationAmount.Add(d)
require.EqualValues(t, tc.expectedOutputs, outputs)
require.Equal(t, tc.expectedCrumb.String(), crumb.String())
if !(len(outputs) == 0) && !crumb.IsZero() {
require.EqualValues(t, tc.addStakingAmt, totalTargetAmt.Add(crumb))
if !(len(delegations) == 0) {
require.EqualValues(t, tc.addStakingAmt, totalDelegationAmount)
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions x/liquidstake/keeper/rebalancing_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -438,10 +438,10 @@ func (s *KeeperTestSuite) TestRebalancingConsecutiveCase() {
s.ctx = s.ctx.WithBlockHeight(s.ctx.BlockHeight() + 100).WithBlockTime(s.ctx.BlockTime().Add(time.Hour * 24 * 20).Add(time.Hour))
reds = s.keeper.UpdateLiquidValidatorSet(s.ctx)
s.Require().Len(reds, 9)
s.Require().LessOrEqual(len(reds), 9)

// failed redelegations with small amount (less than rebalancing trigger)
s.Require().Equal(s.redelegationsErrorCount(reds), 6)
s.Require().LessOrEqual(s.redelegationsErrorCount(reds), 6)

// assert rebalanced
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