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eamelink edited this page Mar 13, 2012 · 7 revisions

Messages and internationalization

Specifying languages supported by your application

A valid language code is specified by a valid ISO 639-2 language code, optionally followed by a valid ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code, such as fr or en-US.

To start you need to specify the languages supported by your application in the conf/application.conf file:


Externalizing messages

You can externalize messages in the conf/ files.

The default conf/messages file matches all languages. Additionally you can specify language-specific message files such as conf/ or conf/messages.en-US.

You can then retrieve messages using the play.api.i18n.Messages object:

val title = Messages("home.title")

All internationalization API calls take an implicit play.api.i18.Lang argument retrieved from the current scope. You can also specify it explicitly:

val title = Messages("home.title")(Lang("fr"))

Note: If you have an implicit Request in the scope, it will provide an implicit Lang value corresponding to the preferred language extracted from the Accept-Language header and matching one the application supported languages.

Messages format

Messages can be formatted using the java.text.MessageFormat library. For example, assuming you have message defined like:

files.summary=The disk {1} contains {0} file(s).

You can then specify parameters as:

Messages("files.summary", d.files.length,

Retrieving supported language from an HTTP request

You can retrieve the languages supported by a specific HTTP request:

def index = Action { request =>
  Ok("Languages: " +", "))

Next: The application Global object

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