Dockerised Drupal 8 development environment using PHP 7.0 on Ubuntu 14.04 with HTTP/2. This image is the development companion to the docker-drupal-php70 project.
- XDebug - PHP debugging and profiling.
- DoxyGen - generate documentation from annotated PHP code. It is used to generate XML which is then interpreted by Sphinx.
- Sphinx - generate beautiful Read The Docs format using Breathe as a bridge to DoxyGen XML output.
- NodeJS - Javascript runtime.
- Java Runtime Environment (JRE) - project dev tools like need this.
# Build database image based off MySQL 5.6
sudo docker run -d --name mysql-drupal-php70-dev mysql:5.6 --entrypoint /bin/echo MySQL data-only container for Drupal Dev MySQL
# Customise docker-compose.yml configurations for environment.
cp docker-compose.yml.dist docker-compose.yml
vim docker-compose.yml
# Build docker containers using Docker Composer.
sudo docker-compose build
sudo docker-compose up -d
From the host server, add the web container IP address to the hosts file.
# Add IP address to hosts file.
# Using the container name of the web frontend.
sudo docker exec -it dockerdrupalphp70dev_drupalphp70devweb_1 su - ubuntu
- XHProf - function-level hierarchical profiler.