Tutorial for scraping Craigslist data with lat/long and making a map out of it using Leaflet From Paul Waddell's CP255 Urban Informatics course, Fall 2014
- Run the 1st rent scraper
- Run the long/lat scraper
- Run the MergeData.py
- Convert that CSV to a JSON (just did this in an online interface by uploading the file and having it spit it back out)
- We then wrote a script (based off of the code for last week's TwitterAPI/Leaflet assignment) that converted the JSON to GeoJSON. Run that script
- Load that GeoJSON as a JS file with a var name
- Run basically the same HTML/JS/CSS as what we had last week for the TwitterAPI/Leaflet assignment
- Working on some tweaks so that we get all the variable names when we click on the item in the map