It takes some static time-sites and adds from youtube channels upcoming videos and premieres for the next (or current) day.
Youtube video titles will be saved in origin language and added one more translated by google cli translator.
Get it to find more details (script does it automatically).
git clone
cd translate-shell/
./translate -T # shows supported languages
ru - russian
uk - ukranian
en - english
it - italian
git clone
cd om_ttable/
*.days - days of week translated to specific language.
*.static - files with static time table for days (1-monday till 7-sunday), translated to specific language.
format of lines:
time~link~title~country or channel
any more fields with ~ separator (must to be for new line in output)
add these files for your language
./script language path_to_output_file flag
By default script gets videos for the next day.
But if you missed that moment and you want to get for the current day, print any word on place of flag.
Output file will be sorted by time mixing static and dynamic data.
For russian and next day
./script ru /tmp/out
For ukranian and current day
./script uk /tmp/out today