A bash script that installs quickly and dirty a web server on an Ubuntu 20.04.x installation.
- Ubuntu Desktop/Server 20.04.x
- User with admin rights (sudo)
- Networking enabled (obviously)
Download the file and then: chmod +x quick_server
Then execute like this: ./quick_server
It will run the commands with sudo and will initially ask for your user password, then it will install the following packages.
- git
- mysql-server-8.0
- certbot
- nginx
- redis-server
- sqlite3
- php7.4-fpm
- php7.4-bcmath
- php7.4-bz2
- php7.4-cli
- php7.4-common
- php7.4-curl
- php7.4-gd
- php7.4-json
- php7.4-mbstring
- php7.4-mysql
- php7.4-xml
- php7.4-zip
- php7.4-sqlite3
It will also download composer and install it globally and will also grab and install NodeJS from Nodesource.
Drop the contents of cloud-config.yml in your favorite Cloud provider (for exampl: DigitalOcean, Hetzner Cloud, etc.) When the instance first boots, cloud-init will execute. Results in the same dirty server for development.
Why the installation of Redis, Composer, and NodeJS? I use this script to develop Laravel projects and those packages are needed for my purposes.