Vérifie l'expiration d'un certificat SSL pour des urls donnés
Lister vos urls dans un fichier "yml"
{'url': <URL>, 'expiration': <ssl_expiration_timestamp>, 'dns': [<DNS>]}
export LIST=./sources/list.yml
python3 check_ssl.py
docker build -t pg3io/ssl:0.1 . --no-cache
docker run -d -e LIST=/sources/list.yml --name checkSSL pg3io/ssl:0.1
ou simplement en récupérant l'image sur notre registry
docker run -d -e LIST=/sources/list.yml --name checkSSL registry.pg3.io:5000/pg3io/ssl:0.1
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license - see the LICENSE file for details.
This role was created in 21/12/2018 by PG3
Maintained in 05/07/2021 by PG3\